Patch Notes 4.5-A

It’s too expensive AND most importantly unrealiable. Even if you spend 5000 diamonds you get trash from it and the chips it gives you aren’t enough to mod a hero and max their red skill, even if you hit the jackpot.
One of the many things that need overhauling in this game.
Only the prices of things scale in this game and the rewards are flat. Look at Invasion for example. We’ve been getting the same rewards for so many patches, even though ranks and levels go up. It’s a snoozefest. They need to tie everything to max team level like they did with the sign-in rewards, so that they don’t spend time reworking stuff that should be working from the get go


Unfortunately it might be too late for them to change things in time to make a difference

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Why say it is broken? Is it not performing as designed? Why not create a counter for the red skill and introduce it through the Patch for multiple heroes or as a new hero skill?

I like that players have figured a way to deal with Zeus already. I don’t have the data that PB sees so cannot say it is a good or bad move. I prefer not to have Zeus nerfed in any way. I seem to remember, or imagined, when they toyed with Maximus it was the beginning of the end of that hero’s reign at the top.

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Personally don’t think toons need to be nerfed, but just add a limit to how frequent they can appear per wave of surge or city watch is all that is needed.


That’s how everyone calls overpowered hero.

This still leaves Zeus’s red skill being way too strong, 250 energy per second, which can be stacked so he almost gains 1000 energy every second and use white skill over and over. And what your allies can do about that? Nothing. They are stuck with 0 energy and are stun locked for whole thing, if Zeus won’t die in 5s that’s how it will always go.

His red skill needs nerf.

He never was nerfed. Bunsen was introduced.

Randall was nerfed… and guess what, people still use him.


Hoping these latest Stat Refreshes, would be able to counter the likes of Miguel, Yax, or even FRIGGIN’ Baymax!!! >_<

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Both have A LOT of counters, not even direct ones.

ANY armor buff will counter his damage, and there are over 15 shield counters.

So… maybe upgrade better heroes :woman_shrugging:

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You are right, but you can’t use all those counters in the friendship campaigns, which means other characters need stat refreshes to be able to compete with them. In the four friendship campaigns I’m doing, the only roadblocks are Yax and Miguel, because none of the older characters (EVE, Calhoun, WALL-E, Dash, Felix) do enough damage to have a chance against all the health they are constantly regaining. And when Yax lifts his arms and the stink floats out, it’s all over. :neutral_face::-1:


Dash should do enough damage.

The others should receive stat refreshes soon, so it’s temporary thing. All you can do is ignore these friendships… or upgrade your heroes.

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He kills everyone else, but he can’t survive the armpit stench.

Probably what I’ll end up doing until they get refreshed. :cry:

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I know that feeling. I’ve got SO MANY Friendship Campaigns with red arrows already…and almost all of them are in the Medium difficulty!

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Or maybe use Mission Power-Ups, which I’m currently doing.

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So true.

These are the only reason I keep trying. I have 21 on my WALL-E/Dash friendship

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Any news about this? :eyes:

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So like, people have issues with X, Y, and Z… here is a guide for that now…

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I just saw Cinderella in the game


Cinderella’s spotlight will go live today (if it isn’t already). It also said server update for tomorrow, but it won’t be just a content update so no downtime.


Any word on invasion? I don’t think it’s started yet


There is already a topic for that:

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You did tell me that she’s supposed be in the game tomorrow and when I went to collect my free stamina, I just saw her; looks like she came before Tuesday

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