Patch Notes 4.5-A

He’s very good but far from too OP

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Baymax does normal damage, anything what gives armor or counters crits will put him down, and he only deals damage ONCE. He isn’t OP, people just seem odd about that, scared of new things?

Ah, Launchpad will be the next Baymax counter, so like… circle of life.

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What is IAP?

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Deals which you pay with real money. In app purchases.



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No le reduzcan el daño, nerfeen que pueda quitar energía a todo el equipo y manternerlos stuneados todo el juego, eso es lo frustrante…
Ah y también un refresh para Los Muppeds por favor.

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Shouldn’t Daisy and Darkwing Duck be in the DuckTales collection?

They didn’t appeared in the original version.
Daisy only appeared in DuckTales comics but not the show itself. DW didn’t even existed back then.


Oh that makes sense

Since Zeus has his White skill damage reduced, we need to think of a better alternative. How about Quasimodo?

Am I understanding this correctly? In order to raise the power of any one hero’s Patch all Patchable heroes must be patched.

Does patchable mean heroes that are at R10 or above or any level?

does this mean we are gonna get more essence? because with the pitiful amount we get at them moment. its going to be impossible to patch the new patch heroes and level the old ones up too

does this mean the heroes that we have patched already can be patched again to the next level?

we know how to counter Zeus… he doesn’t need to be nerfed, so we all think it’s pointless you are reducing his white skill. it’s unnecessary! its his red skill that is the problem, not his white one, which can be countered. you need to look at adjusting his red skill


Zeus es un Dios porque Nerfearlo? ya todos estamos acostumbrados a sus efectos y daño…:unamused:

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They had to nerf him


Zeus is the only truly unfairly broken hero, with no counters against his red skill.

Sad PB didn’t listen to all the comments about his red skill, white skill nerf is unnecessary and will do nothing.

His red skill energy steal should be reduced to 10, even then it’s 50 energy for him per second, stackable.
Maybe reduce energy remove from white skill from 250 to 100 too. But red skill nerf definitely should be the priority.


Unfortunately yes
But we can revisit this when they

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Finally thank you for nerfing Zues it was definitely out of hand even when you did allow heroes to gain buffs first before the white skill went off it didn’t help 1 bit. Also Voyds white skill is still bugged :pensive::expressionless:


thats not true, about Zeus.

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At this point everyone has a counter, you just need to strategize.
Zeus was a problem when he was released, before Mary. That’s when he needed nerfs. Now they’re pretty redundant…
If you want to see more diversity just keep refreshing heroes and actually making them good instead of just increasing their basic stats.
Also… it’s pretty insane to expect people to rank up heroes when every badge costs like 600000 stamina.
Everyone will just stick with who they already have, instead of newer ones…
You could also change the prize wall format and let players pick the hero of the month they want to upgrade, so that everybody focuses on someone different, instead of everyone ranking up the newest hero. It’s boring and it makes the game stale imo


I believe that was the aim of the Wish Crate
Unfortunately we all know that failed miserably…

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