PerBlue increases skill cost once again!

They haven’t. They’re just rare. But they have removed double team XP drops


The way I see what has transpired is as follows:

  1. Community want more value from playing the game vs spending cash, they want more “free” resources.
  • Perblue answer this with a very small increase to one mode’s gold and XP drops (Port).

  • Perblue then proceed to devaluate all gold and XP earnings by doubling the gold cost for skills [from some retrospective lvl #].

The result >> an even worse situation (players left with less gold) than before the gold buff.

  1. Community want more value from playing the game vs spending cash, they want more “free” resources.
  • Perblue answer this with a significant increase to free Stamina earning -105-115%.

  • Perblue then proceed to devaluate the extra free stamina by radically reducing access to dbl drop bags and other dbl drop items. (These are now found almost exclusively in deals costing GBP28.99+)

The result >> Arguably worse (less “free” bits) than before the stamina buff.

  1. Community want more value from playing the game vs spending cash, they want more “free” resources.
  • Perblue answer this with a very nice change to Trials - being able to earn all bits simultaneously.

  • Perblue then devaluate the value of these extra drops by radically reducing access to Trial (and Port) reset tickets. Trial resets are no longer found in deals, Port resets have been in deals at a volume of 2 or 3 per deal instead of 10, 20, 40 like they used to be.
    When Trial resets start to appear in deals, expect them to carry a very high value.

The result >> an even worse situation than before the trial buff.

To me, it seems like Perblue is insisting on continuing their trajectory regardless of the community asking them to change course. To my mind - it feels like they are even willing to “fake” improvements for the sake of settling the discourse.


And would you look at that. 7 days. 0 response from any of the game managers, nor support. Yet they are so willing to jump on replying to posts that matter so little and are so excited to post an update to their February refresh that offer players 0 improvements.

The longer they go without addressing this is getting extremely pathetic and just showing how dishonest and they are as developers. I’ve dumped hundreds into this game over the past year and a half. And I deserve answers and real change. As do other players. Something needs to be done and it rubs me the wrong way that were being blatantly ignored for their dishonesty and greed.


If @Sauron wants a position here, 7 days is long enough. I’m tempted to say lets create a petition. Post it up on here and get people to sign. If they don’t want to change their course then we can show them how many are really over their fake improvements and dishonesty. Enough is enough. They say our feedback matters, yet they have yet to really prove that. Lets show them how much the customer really does matter.


This is what I can never understand. Even with all the buffs, it just slightly smooth our situation. It’s not like, by raiding trial alone, we dont need to farm for badge bits. We have ton of them that we need. And the badges are getting harder and harder to craft, while their effect is not that great, tbh

They always say that they care about customer’s satisfaction but everything they do always prove otherwise. Heck, we don’t even have a typical answer here…

They had to merge a lot of servers already, and yet they refuse to see what’s wrong in their way of doing business. It’s not like we can take all these horrible things they do to us forever…


The new badges some of them cost around 7000 stamina without double drops. If 20 need the same it amounts to 140000 stamina i.e over 2200 refills. Even in highest of deals we get somewhere around 1500 refills. What good was reducing the campaign stamina cost requirement?


I stopped playing the game a while ago because there were so many new heroes but I didnt have enough resources to power them up along with other heroes used for friendship missions, etc.

Coming back, I liked that they increased the rewards for everything. Raising the cost prices even more and alongside releasing more heroes kinda defeats that purpose.


@Polaris I really hope you wern’t the one who flagged @Sauron on the refresh so it was ignored. Again. Address this. This is getting sad and quite ridiculous. Im going to start sending emails to PerBlue through my personal email about this interaction.


Flagged again. Im sending a complaint email to this is not professional. Im done being controlled and blatantly disrespected.


Well put, Emitz. I wonder how long they’ll keep doing this before everyone leaves. Let’s also not forget how PerBlue was asked to increase the number of diamond deals, so they added auto-generated ones that are nearly worthless. :no_mouth:

@Polaris, it’d be great if we could get a response here before things escalate further. What is the explanation for the cost increase? Why is PerBlue trying to even out any gain in the amount of resources we receive? Even as much as being told that you’re still deciding how to respond would be greatly appreciated.


I actually flagged it. It was off topic. But I do hope that @Polaris gives us some sort of answer here soon. Explanation is needed.

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Well if he isn’t responding in this thread, what other choice is there to go into other threads to get his attention? Lack of respect in an answer has resulted in this. If they want to eventually lose paying players due to being terrible at doing their job and responding to customer requests, then thats what’s going to happen.


PB is closed for the day, let’s wait until tomorrow before doing anything rash. Going to other topics is just going to get you flagged for being off-topic.

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You can deactivate it. You know?

Go to preferences, interface. Done @CassandraRae


Maybe spend your resources only on the heroes you want to use. And not on every hero.

25 now plus any new hero to keep be able to win battles?
3k stamina items please and I will be happy.


Been playing since day one and i still able to keep up without spending much

ok. post your heroes


@CassandraRae for the record, I did not flag the post in this topic. That was someone else.

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@Meatsqueezer no worries. Were good.

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