Player Treatment

only below VIP 7 get those deals… and in fact such players have in the long-term spent (nearly) 0… some could have gotten VIP 7 through offers :man_shrugging:

I don’t think VIP 10+ account can even get 22k for $5.

I don’t think this is the case I’m VIP 15 and got this deal and I do spend money every level cap update

I still have 22k and have both Sister Y8

Ok, so this is semantics then, because how is a user supposed to know what is an “unintended bug” versus an “intended Easter egg” without some communication from the developers?

I would look at this and wonder, maybe I am already late to the game on this? Maybe individuals have already been doing this for the past few guild contests now, but have just been quiet about it? How would I not just think that, “this is the way.”

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That’s the equivalent of 11.7k for $5 tho. That deal is uncommon but the 17 day spam works on that. MAYBE even less. I do know that I spent on S1 $10 for 22k after 2-3 days (so like 1st or 2nd Nov) and yesterday I got it again.

22k for $5 might be unique.

if the dev team had not been so eager to push out and solidify 6 day contests, seemingly for more $, then this wouldn’t even be a topic of conversation.


Stop with the deals talk take it to a different thread

Okay, this.
Let’s address this in terms of player treatment because I think any further discussion about deals is just going to cycle in on itself.

I agree. Honestly, the only contest that is good at 6 days is Fortify the Network. Yet it was the first to try 3 day cycle again because… let’s be honest, it’s PerBlue’s Piggy Bank.

The numerous and numerous times we have pointed it out and nothing changed makes it obvious.

I would do Guild and Individual contest 3 days again. And Fortify only IF it was changed to not scale diamonds up furthermore or outright lower the diamond requirement.

I see so many people getting 10M on this guild contest (Top 50% I believe can reach that even), yet 1M on Fortify gives you immediate Top 10%…

This was actually done from player feedback from support tickets, but data showed it did better at 6 days so it went back.

ahh that is why you asked! I usually will just use ban or permanent ban. Suspend I’ll use more if I see you guys using that one, but I don’t usually go to suspend. I can work on switching that.

Wow, okey.

This comment perfectly explain why the people who were suspended were upset at how you guys handled it.
Our i intent wasnt malicious in any way.
We simply saw a way to obtain more resources and acted. If it wasnt intented to be done that way why come down so harshly on the people who used it.
Better yet have such a cold response which comes off as “because we said so”


The community can flag posts as well, it’s not just PerBlue :man_shrugging:


I found out a situation that could correspond to the “contest rewards abuse”.

Imagine PB owns a sandbox and there is a competition of who builds the biggest sand castle. (Also, imagine the sandbox quite big.)

Then there you are, competing one against each other, but someone brings glue to fortify their chances.

So, can the sandbox owner disqualify the one that used glue? Yes, they can.

Or rather, swap glue for getting more sand in from somewhere outside every 24h.

However, I also got an opposing situation:

"This is more like someone digging extra sand out from under their sandbox, because they put the sandbox on the beach expecting people to forget the sand was there…"

So, really, choose what you think is right in this.

It was hidden for being off topic which was mentioned would happen above that post and why this thread was made.

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It is against the TOS and only those who abused it multiple times or had a history of using cheats were suspended for 3 days. I feel that this was fair response all others were sent a warning. When you get back into your account you will also see a mail message regarding the ban you received.


this thread isn’t about the temp suspensions, or deals. on topic.

Go look up the definition of cheating and that’s what you guys were doing during the contest

“Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an **advantage **


For the sake of technicality, it IS, but only insofar as those relate to PBs treatment of the playerbase.
Not those aspects or elements in and of themselves.

For this yes, I am in many meetings for all of our games and I share the feedback in those meetings and in our internal company messaging system. The feedback then gets filed as JIRA tickets and I can keep track of what’s going on with them that way so if a bug gets reported and a player would like an update on it I can go look up the ticket and see where it’s at. Implementing player feedback in the game that isn’t bugs take longer to get ingame, but I poke a lot regarding the port feedback (haven’t gotten a new response so haven’t updated on that). I try to give updates to feedback only when I have something new to share and it’s not the same answer over and over. This also helps me get more time to work on other things.

I read everything, but do not always have the time to respond to everything.

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