Player Treatment

You say its a fair response but people who used an actual exploit(the invasion shop) which would affect someone else in the game with their standing in the invasion leaderboards was given a warning and not a 3 day ban.
This “exploit” has a simple fix … Take back the resources that were unintended and warn everyone involved that its against tos.


Be polite please or I will close the thread.


We wernt acting unfair or dishonest … We wernt hiding what we were doing and it was available for everyone to do hence why i dont believe it was cheating

Actually, on a similar note to this, purely out of curiosity.

How ‘big’ was the discussion to implement the 3-day suspension @Loutre ?

It’s alright if you can’t be specific (and I’ll accept that in place of an answer if that is the case), but I’m curious if it was one person’s decision or a group coming to a consensus that it was the fairest way to to resolve the situation.

and how were they implemented, because the inequality in who was suspended vs who was given a warning in s1 alone is staggering

This was my decision which was discussed with the support team. We felt it was fair to other players not using this exploit and even to the one’s only using it once that only the players with previous cheating or had received 3x/4x the amount of rewards were the ones to receive the 3 day suspension.

Using an exploit to gain more rewards is against the TOS and is there: Disney Heroes: Battle Mode - Terms of Use Agreement and Privacy Policy

In the “you agree not to” section:

Receiving 3x/4x the amount of contest rewards is very much in the taking advantage category where a 3 day suspension is appropriate.


People, you broke a rule that was clearly stated in the ToS. Now you have to face some minor consequences for breaking it. A small suspension from the game will not hurt you.


I have been playing for over 3.5 years and have spent more on this game than I even want to think about. The fact is, it feels like our feedback, complaints and concerns are only addressed if it hits PB in their pockets.

From about 6 months in people have complained, begged, to slow the game down. There is no need for raises every 4 weeks. People are spending hundreds if not thousands to stay on top. FTP players have long given up. At first we were told they would slow it it down, next month or maybe the month after. Then they actually said that people wanted the raise this fast or they would get bored. I think I was a top 10 player at that point and I can tell you I was not bored or anywhere near maxing my team. I don’t know if people even complain anymore. If you are ignored for years you finally give up and except it or quit.

I really don’t understand PB’s business sense. They have driven away more players than I could even attempt to remember. Great players who spent money. I am so beyond frustrated at this point.


Well, there is a certain amount you have to spend to get the rewards again, so you essentially cheated money from PerBlue.

Basically that’s the definition of something you gain “monetary value” of. You “rob” from PerBlue, the team. That it is possible via in-game mechanics does not really matter.

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Even if it is not cheating it is still breaking a rule that PB stated. Maybe the suspended players can use their three day suspension to read over the ToS again (or even the first time since I know most of them never read it)?


I do not see any of the purchase data so I can confirm that I do not only share feedback based on if it’s going to be an issue with amount spent. I share feedback as I see it and I know the Q&A threads where we got your feedback directly there regarding ingame economies has been very helpful and is something we reference a lot.

I can’t speak at all on over the many years you’ve been playing since I have not been here that long and cannot comment on it.

Hope that helps for this question!

We have been, over and over. We cannot see where we violated. We have no ill intent. It was available for all other players. We hid nothing. We fully expected others to jump.on the bandwagon as soon as they saw what we were doing.

I am 98% sure this can’t be answered but I’ll try. Is there a way to tell when the deals become “better”? I know of 4k, 6.4k, 11.7k and 22.2k stamina deals for $5. Are there since 30 October any requirements to be eligible for “2nd”, “3rd” or “4th” one.

I figured out the last one is unique, the 6.4k spawns after roughly ~7-9 days and 11.7k after roughly ~14-17 days.

I do not have any answer to this as I have no idea. Again, I do not see any of the purchase data.

But it may be dependable on that, right?

Absolutely no idea.

Would have to answer in Q&A but I guess only one person would have an idea. Maybe.

I am sorry but are you trying to explain how PB does things to the person who works for PB, Numi?


As far as I can see, it was neither dishonest or unfair. And was open to all.


There’s a thought, actually.
@Loutre, I know you don’t see any purchase data yourself, but would you be able to confirm that Numi’s observation of “the longer you go without buying a deal, the more likely you are to get a high value one” is accurate from someone who DOES have access to such data?

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