Pleakley Stat Change

Yeah, because there are bits I’ve forgotten to add :neutral_face:

Personally I find no reason to make a stat change to Pleakley.

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@TherMasterStitch then it’s a good thing you aren’t the one making the decisions.

It’s a significant issue and needed to be addressed.

Edit: typo

@Moist then it’s a good thing it was a joke since Stitch is one of my fav characters and I love Lilo & Stitch of which Pleakley is a character of

It’s a big part of my presence on the forum, my love for Stitch and Pooh

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Sure, when does Mulan get nerfed?

Like, I dont mind nerfing heros but make it fair. If you’re gonna abuse a hero that can take out 5 toons on their own and then nerf Pleakley that required an entire team composition to wield effectively.

As previously mentioned It’s not fun when a fight is over before it begins. How is it fun or fair if Mulan can take on entire team solo? She’s effectively the new Randall.

At least Pleakley requires a full built 2-3 other fully built toons to be effective. This seems like a bias towards teams comps and which heros they offer in sales.

Really disappointed by this move, at least nerf other stupidly strong toons like mulan, pooh, animal & a few others that can break the game when put in a team.


Imo, mulan doesn’t need a nerf since there are some counters for her, and if she is nerfed she may not be good anymore…


Exactly. @Polaris said that they dont want a single hero to take out an entire team in seconds. But Pleakley needs at least 2 specific character to do that, barbossa and hades. Even if he is the one doing the damage he can never achive that on his own. He need a full team to be usefull. They still nerfed him dramatically, reducing the stacks per study from 3 to 1 already reduces the initial damage by 3 times. But they also reduced a lot his purple skill and the skill power he gains from red skill. But as you said they never did anything for Mulan who can kill entire teams in seconds without requiring a specific team combo. I just dont understand how they come up with those “solutions”. Very poorly managed.


Mulan doesn’t need a nerf cuz there are potential counters, right?

Mulans counters are locked behind full team comps that can negate mulans viability from the field.

It doesn’t hide the fact mulan herself can solo a whole team. That’s not fair, for any toon in this game.

I personally use a freeze team to negate her.

You could also say there are high end reality, shield or hardy teams that count negate Pleakley.

Pleakley could never solo a whole team on his own.

If they’re gonna start nerfing characters because they’re too strong then it needs to done fairly.


Mulan couldn’t wipe a whole team as soon as the fight started could she and she has plenty of counters now.

This is something completely different where a combination of heroes made another hero broken not just a single hero being too good

Pleakley with that combo was broken and it needed fixing

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But with “right” heroes he always kills everyone no matter what. And his only counter is ONLY Mad Hatter with maxed red skill, and that’s really expensive investment, and people didn’t upgraded Mad Hatter just against one line, it’s not that worthy, even if that was the only hope. Leaving everyone against that combo doomed. And this game is all about good synergy.

Not to add it takes 4/5 months to max a red skill :roll_eyes:

Mulan have many counters now and doesn’t require nerf.

But PB could keep eye on Cheshire, he negates all reality of enemies, always crits which makes his damage awful high, and with his evasion it’s nearly impossible to disable.


Il suffisait de modifier la disque de Barbossa pour un résultat qui aurait contenter tout le monde, la vous avez détruit un personnage où il fallait un investissement énorme pour qu’il sois efficace… Maximisez la compétence rouge n’est pas donné à tout le monde ! C’est long, très long, et je ne parle pas du up des personnages pour aller avec Pickly …

Basically this.
Pleakley needed a few toons to assist.
The nerf on his red skill alone was enough if you ask me.

Counters can be found, it just hasnt been aptly found aside from a few already.

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Well, what about the other insta-kill, which is Randall blue skill, even worse… boosted like Pleakley’s purple generally…

Overall, I believe the stat changes done with Green/Blue/Purple skill SP mods should be looked upon. Some are too shallow, some too ridiculous.


The difference there is that Randall’s blue skill triggers during the fight so you actually have some opportunity to prepare for it. Pleakley was killing multiple characters before the fight even began, there was no way to defend against it.

Thanks for listening to the concerns @Polaris.

Usually he can hit with such force that he kills nearly the whole team. I’d like that to be addressed.

I don’t say devs should nerf Randall’s blue. But they should totally look into multipliers for SP mod upgrades on every character. Those can get sort of ridiculous.

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What about… what about…
instakill=nothing wrong with that!

Broken is broken, sorry you spent a bunch of resources ; maybe don’t do that for “exploits”

Because only Pleakley was broken?
Other two aren’t OP or anything near that.


Doesn’t matter. They nerfed 1 when all 3 together are the problem. And just cause they’re not “op” doesn’t mean they don’t have fantastic skills, and can be deadly in the right lineup.

After all, this is the way to nerf by spending only money every time. It’s no different from fraud. I can only think of licking the user. Consider the current situation where the number of retirees is increasing and the number of active users is decreasing. Which character are you going to nerf this time?


Well, what do you want??? Various Characters being to op to defeat?!?!:man_facepalming:

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