I love the game, but I’m really falling out of love with the Arena.
It’s just become pointless, I’ve been in Gold II for about 2 months now…and I honestly don’t think I will ever promote. Every. Single. Day I get myself into the top 5. Go to bed and end up in the 30s.
What is the point? There is about 80 players in our league of similar power, pretty much everyone can beat everyone - so no-one is promoting.
There was once a time when I was excited to be in the top 5 and see myself in a position to promote…now I don’t even care anymore and just do 3 attacks to get the quest reward.
Coliseum works well for promotions, but Arena? A joke.
Please do something about this. Especially now this situation will only get WORSE as guilds unlock the ability to attack more, only exacerbating the problem of going up and down like a yo yo.
Some ways (not necessarily all of as some clash) to help the problem.
- Reduce time required to promote.
- Make the leagues smaller.
- Allow more than 5 people to sit in the promotion seat.
- Freeze demotion counter time in positions 6 to 10.