Please nerf the following characters

Another one that probably is severly OP is Kermit and his white

Reflect is a buff that can be passed on, so the only thing to hope is that Kermit gains energy very slowly

Heā€™s probably gonna be very good, but, we should wait to see him before judging.

Personally, the only character I have a real issue with rn is Fear. And itā€™s just his purple, 100% less to everyone from crits is crazy. And no Tron doesnā€™t work, since Fear keeps gaining stacks after he dies, and after that they canā€™t be removed

While true, Iā€™m not terribly fond of heroes having only one reliable counter, and even less fond when that counter involves multiple heroes. (And while you could have a one-hero counter by ensuring Ian has the least HP on your team, given how much HP Ian has, that requires either having a weak Ian or having all newer, OP heroes for the rest of your team.)

Like I said above, they are beatable, but each requires a TEAM to beat just that one hero. That is ridiculous and that isnā€™t true for other heroes/ and also, I have lvl 220 maxed DWD and he does nothing to Slinky. Dash might be a counter, I just donā€™t have good enough to test. Shan Yu also deals way less than Slinky gives with shields.
To me, this game had two periods of nearly ideal balance, post Quorra nerf before Merlin and Jafar, and before they added Cat. You could really improvise and enjoy various strays. Now we are back to 8 heroes meta. Others are in trash can, and itā€™s sad :frowning:


No, only Cheshire :thinking:

Ian can be countered by Tron and Slinky by Randall (Yz)

Unfortunately, there is your problem. Remember that it is a good idea to have a top 20 toons and be open to those changing as the meta changes. I know a lot say to only have a top 15, but that is just for defensive purposes for War and Coli. A top 20 or 25 allows you to have more options for offensive lines. If you know what toons you are facing, you then tailor your line to counter those toons.

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