Please Unrefresh Kim!

Most villains are outdated…

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No, PB screwed the pooch by saying “we’re going to completely do away with why you’re using her, and give her something different. The teams you built for her don’t work anymore, go spend inane amounts of resources on building another one.”


In terms of pure damage the thing you have to think about is if is newer characters already deal higher and better damage than her, so why use her if she isn’t dealing as much damage?

So that’s the main thing I think in terms of why people are unhappy or at least one of the main reasons along with PerBlue taking away the skills/abilities people used Kim Possible for.


eh? I meant that the issue of not being able to try out different teams is not exclusive to the new Kim, it’s a general problem

True, but at least there’d be a reason to update them.

I’m against it. Instead of giving us more resources, adding a Villains trial would encourage people to waste more resources on characters they don’t like.

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It will give the 4th most needed badge, letting you raise characters far more easily… :man_facepalming:


An own Villain version of the Normal Campaign with remixed badge placements would also be a good idea I think :-).

But yes, interesting idea in terms of the villains having their own Trial, but would probably be hard for me resource wise maybe as I mostly use hero characters.


I am so sorry, my bad :sweat_smile:

that’s why I said there could be Heroes Team Trial as well.

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But then what would define a character as a hero, then? They can’t be just non-Villains :man_shrugging:

Ah I see and yeah, I agree :-).

Anyway, back to Kim Possible something has to be done to make people happy I think, which would probably either be to increase Damage and HP properly and get to a 2021 standard, or return her old kit will some improvements in terms of heal value and other values.

Does it matter? I want easy R17 and I want it now. Means are on them, I just want to see the badge bits there. Period.

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No, no, no. No period. Let’s take it to a PM, then.

Sure. I want to see your views.

Hum…, just curious, but could someone here post a good team for Kim Possible that make use of her boosted damage? :-). Like if we are going to use her boosted skill power damage, what characters do we use her with?

Thought it could be interesting to ask.

Kind of the same, around study, however, there are some changes, there’s no healing anymore so, one ally must be kicked to add a healer. Sometimes CC is required so another one must be kicked to add some stun/charm. Then is another problem, lack of study-supports for the team and the slow was nerfed…

Considering battle badges are a known thing, and… could Kim gets evasion from it, instead of energy gain? She desperately needs evasion and as it’s an option it’s better to give her a stable amount of evasion.

Lastly, HP, it’s low.

So, @Polaris, please ask the team to change Kim’s battle badge buff to evasion, and ask them to give her HP boost which she missed on Monday. Then we can call it day… because so far she isn’t ok.



Yeah, I understand that of course and overall good advice/ideas there, but I meant like a specific team like Polaris posted :-).

And for the other part I agree with you as well.
Protective stats against disables would benefit her a lot, as well as home HP.

Kim, Max, Gizmo/Barbossa, healer like Shang (we really lacking of them) or Kermit and Honey/Drakken/Big/Angel/Tia

I really hope Polaris will respond with something positive…

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I see and thanks for the team suggestion Musketeer :-).

Depends on what you mean there, but at least that Polaris tell us that the team has decided to give Kim Possible some more HP at least would be nice. (Like 10% more at least if not 15%-20%-30% more HP).

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