Premium Stamina Deals on Servers 21-22

It took me over 200 days to max to 140 and people are doing it under 5 days


I’d take it up with the BBB, alas…they aren’t accredited.

If they role back i would want a refund and some type of reward for the mess up


Very helpful for Android users :clap:.

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No one is upset that other player benefitted from your mistake. We are upset that PB is not owning up to it properly. At this point, just make it available to everyone. There is no reason people who have spent $5-40 have inherited the same amount as people who have spent hundreds-thousands and have earned high “VIP” levels is fair in the newest server on the game. Make it available to everyone and do not take back what was purchased from those who were able to access the deal.


To be honest after this screw up and the horrible fix I want the couple thousand I spent back to be a top 30 player on server. To be passed over a 5 dollar deal is outrageous


If you ask for a refund under perblue tos your account could be suspended Or banned if I recall not exactly sure of wording


Its not the players fault dude, we are not against you, we just saw an opportunity and took it. We were not thinking “lets screw Deputy_Sadness_VII and other dedicated players”, I personaly was thinking, this is an awsome deal, I must take it, then I can play as much as I want


Thank you for the link

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PB your about to lose a lot of players. Several of us don’t care about anything else but stam and you take that gift away to give us something we wouldn’t pay for. You’ve been providing terrible deals to servers 21 and 22 and we caught you on it. Then we finally get something and you retract it. This is a terrible business approach. I know free to play players that took the deal because they actually saw value in something you offered. And you ruined this for them as well.


Yes many accounts have been banned for getting a refund


I didn’t get the deal. People who spent all their stamina makes all the money I spent useless. It’s illegal to changes what they bought and the difference between them and people who didn’t get the deal is a SHAME. Many people will stop your game by doing what you are doing @Polaris.
Just put the deals to everybody !


I will abandon the game, if this goes through, and I sm a paying player


This is even more unfair than it was before. Only those who weren’t busy during the day and were able to spend it won here. This is my last day. You have broken me. Goodbye.


What on earth are you doing? You sold the package. Taking it back is atrocious and the people who spent the stamina get to keep it? I’m sorry this is a bait and switch and that’s illegal. This isn’t some product you are losing money on it’s fake video game points. This should be reported to the attorney general’s office of each state. Absolute crap. Everyone should have their money refunded. You don’t get to change what I paid for after the fact no matter how generous you consider it. This should be reversed immediately I will be reporting this to PA Attorney general if not.


That is messed up in this case. What we bought is not what we are getting. I may risk it is this shakes out in this manner.


If only you knew the position I’m really in.

PB’s approach wasn’t the best, I agree. But your demands are unfulfillable.


I appreciate the frustration with the situation, but please keep it constructive and on topic.


They’re not my demands solely; they’re the community’s demands.

If they are unfillable, their app will be as well


I’m sure perblue has mitigated all the legal hurdles tbh before they made this decision

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