Prize Wall Start Time Delayed October 5th

Hello! Apologies for the delay on Kuzco’s Prize Wall. We’ve hit some technical issues and the Prize Wall will need to be pushed back further. Thank you for your patience!


How much further?


Will there be any sort of compensation for all the problems with this update. Ik many wars were affected.


Unfortunately I can’t answer that right now, but will make another announcement when it’s live.


Is it to do with kuzco or the crashes?

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Oh dear. I hope that issue is going to be fixed today.

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By how much time was the last prize wall delayed?

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What’s going on with this update?

The game keep crashing, the prize wall is being delayed due to technical issues and nobody can make any worthwhile progress with so many overpowering heroes.


And I was hyping myself over the arrival of Kuzco! :frowning:
Guess I’ll be busy with my current Elite Campaign journey, while waiting…


The update appeared in Google and App Store but I’ll wait.

Más bien solucionen el problema de abu no debe tener percances en las guerras importantes

game is up, no prize wall as of yet. i didn’t have that many issues as I have an iphone but ik many that did. are we getting some kind of compensation for the lack of ability to do anything and another late prize wall?! it’s getting ridiculous now that it’s making the game almost unplayable every single update. maybe stop bashing out a new hero every week and fix the current and never ending list of bugs


Would be nice as so many wars were affected… many in my guild couldn’t attack because of the crashes

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Hey, sorry if I am annoying, but how much longer until the Prize Wall starts?

I saw him for one second in the game yesterday and the a few hours later he’s gone and now his prize wall gets delayed

The Prize Wall is here!

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