Quasimodo is support role hero
Team trial color red
Place midline
Enterace quasimodo will leap to the battlefiled
Defeat quasimodo getting tormented
Victory quasimodo being amused
In the image above its quasimodo
Qoute sanctuary!
White skills carving skills
Quasimodo showing his allies craved model of notre dame inspireing allies this skill increaseing allies s attack power and attack speed
The buffs will be less effctive on allies in level x or above
The buffs will last 10 seconds
Green skill gargoyle friends quaismodo will call his friends victor hugo and lavrene the 3 will go across the skill knocking back all of the enemies
The knockback will fail if the enemies are in level x or above
They look like this
Blue skills bells of notredame
Quasimodo will ring the bells of noterdame silenceing the oposing team
The silence will last 12 seconds
The silenceing will last for x seconds
Purple skill loyal allies
Gargoyle friends now increaseing quasimodo and his team s armor
Red the hunceback of notredame
Quasimodo will get the following boosts
X+skill power
Gargoyle friends will now stun the enemies for 14 seconds
Freindships rapunzel and goliath
In the friendship campigan with rapunzel the 2 discovering they had similar past due to the fact they were locked in cretin place for long time and they becoming friends
Disc boosts
Carving skills effcts becoming longer by 2 seconds per star
During use of this skill quasimodo and his allies getting 5 stacks of hardy
Bells of norte dame will now give buff to quasimodo and his allies (+1 per star)
In the friendship campigan with goliath goliath discovered hugo victor and lavrene are actualy gargoyles quasimodo telling him that they are friends with him and quasimodo and golaith soon becoming friends
Disc effcts
Gargoyle friends will now increase damage on debuffed and disabled enemies
And this skill will give cretin amount of armor and reality to quasimodo and his allies
Victor and hugo appearing to be called after the author of the book victor hugo
The actual book ending in much differnt way then the movie is
As always feel free to giveing me feedback
I will be intrested if you want i will do concepts of another charthers from the movie since pebeus esemarlda and claude frollo could be possible concepts