Questions for PerBlue: December 2020

If you put it that way.
I’m not a spammer but I would like to see the vip chat (not for spamming).
This perk can be useful for non spammers tough right?

If you really want access to the VIP chat, just complete multiple surveys.

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Surverys doesn’t work
Had Tried Alot Times. :confused:


I can’t disagree with this.

TheoremReach does work. Sure, it will take some time, but it’s possible. That’s how I got access to the VIP chat.

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… if anything there should be ‘‘Super VIP’’ chat for VIP+10 (or so).

And the suggestion above is bonkers, global is already full of creeps and spam which VIP doesn’t have that much, making it more available will break it and as Djaq said creating another global chat.


Will you give ALL starter and old heros more refresh?

I would like to ask if there are any plans to look into and possibly adjust the City Watch? And if not then I’d like to ask how you define it’s difficulty levels?

I’m asking because even on EASY the difficulty jumps exponentially starting as early as Area 3 and my idea of EASY is a place to build Collection Buffs, test out what teams work or to play your favorite team combinations. MEDIUM to me would present more of a challenge and a natural progression from EASY and learning more about how to build effective teams and HARD is taking those teams forward to the endgame of EPIC.

Thank you!


Agree the theorem surveys are awful now… restricted to 50 diamonds a day now which do nothing. And Apple users can’t do fyber or tapjoy offers (no matter how scammy they can be now compared to when game first started). I know pb not in charge, but how is allowing non Apple users to do those things and not Apple users even if apples decision being “more fair to all players” montra we keep hearing. Maybe allow more survey gems or find another free way via videos or something for Apple users.

Everytime either i could not log in it or if the wundow shows up it says as a everytime routine!
Someone ate all the surveys…


Maybe TheoremReach is not available where you live :thinking:

… and while you’re at it make a “exclusive vip chat” only for “vip 20” people

It says the exact same thing for me that’s the main reason I said make it a perk. I didn’t say make vip a f2p thing now did I?

Lol. Probably only 20 people would be able to access it :joy:

VIP20 is for those who spend money equal to 10K USD (which is 5/8 of my parents’ yearly salary combined lol), and I doubt many have accomplished this feat. I only know one VIP 20 person.

Both statements contradict each other.

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A bit late but I have another question. Why are bundle deals like that, do you do them manually and can you quick fix them? One can buy more stamina with 50 diamonds than with 300 diamonds from that deal.

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About 6 hours now to the Q&A, so hopefully we can all have a good time and get a lot of our questions answered and gotten to learn a lot more compared to before the Q&A :-).

And now it’s me. HeadCasey.
Late to the gate. Last to the party.
Here to ask the most dangerous of questions…

Can we expect to see more characters from Darkwing Duck?
Dr Bushroot seems to be a fan favorite :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Just a shout-out that I like this! I hope she can join the roster someday.

Will would be a great addition also

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