Questions for PerBlue: September 2021

A few things:

  1. What’s the deal with the lack of new diamond crate exclusives?

To expand on this, Alex Hirsch himself has stated on Twitter that Disney owns Gravity Falls, and they may do anything with the IP without his permission. He has also mentioned that he needs Disney’s permission to do anything with the franchise.

Or maybe you guys want Hirsch’s permission to respect him and his franchise :thinking:

  1. What will Scavenger Hunts be like?

This is the 2nd time :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:t2: 🤦🏿

  • Bing Bong never happened

After three and a half years, looking back now, is there something you wish you would have done differently from the start of the game?


Question relating to Hero progression:

How many heroes do you feel we should comfortably be able to keep up with by playing daily for a F2P player?
I feel it should be at least 18, 5 Red, 5 Blue, 5 Yellow for Team Trials and Invasion = 15, + at least 3 for War attacks in case 3 or more of your 15 heroes are off duty. 15 is also the minimum needed for Coliseum and War defense


When looking at new improvements or game modes, do you have a “preference” on how much time players should be spending on various saspects of the game? For example:
5 minutes on sign in, check into guild, buying things in the market, Port and Trials
15 minutes of time on war, coliseum, arena and city watch
60 minutes on Invasion
5 minutes in Surge
10-15 minutes in Heist
… for example previously players would spend a lot of time on badge crafting before power promote was introduced - was this an area you wanted players to spend less time on?


Why did you decide to change the hero rotation schedule recently to remove the Sign in → VIP → Guild crate → City watch shop rotation?


Game update / mode related questions / requests:

  • Since the last Q&A, have you reconsidered updating Heist - it is really a boring game mode at the moment and not very difficult with very little reward for the daily interaction.
  • Could you please include more filters into the friendship campaigns such as disk star levels and difficulty levels
  • Is it possible for you to provide feedback on what is happening with Wish Crates?

Any update regarding Hannah Montana?

Is she possible to be introduced at all to this game as playable character?


Is anything going to be done about war matchmaking? My 15th-ranked guild has lost 14 of our last 21 wars, yet we’re still in the top 10 in MMR and as a result have over half our matches fighting guilds with more than twice our power. We just can’t win those matches, and they’re keeping us from getting to Challenger, much less to Legendary. This is the one area of the game that genuinely makes me angry, and I’m honestly on the verge of leaving the game entirely because of it.

Edit: Of course I forget to check this thread until after the deadline for submitting questions has passed, but this is bothering me too much to remain silent.

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Thank you guys for all of the questions! Closing the thread so we can work on getting these answered!

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