Not only does he try to ruin the friendship between Mike and Sulley, he now tries to ruin everyone else’s friendships too!
When going through the Dr. Drakken/gizmoduck friendship campaign (second level of 1st chapter), there is a lvl 216 R18 Randall that destroys any semblance of balance. Same with the Manticore/Mushu campaign, chapter 1 episode 5 (lvl 193)
Just in general, Randall is not well balanced for friendship campaigns. Between the long lasting invisibility, high damage and dodge, and the revive clearing all debuffs, there are many friendship campaigns that cannot get past him. If there is no precise or similar options, he can ruin friendship campaigns similar to how Sally did pre-nerf.
Wanted to see about getting feedback about Randall in friendship campaigns and if there’s any balancing issues around it or plans to look into it.