Rex's Collection Of Concepts

So, about the update I was planning to mention here. I have a few announcements…

  • So, tomorrow would be my normal concept day. It will be for a Marvel character. I would have done it today, but busier week again and I have a ton of projects planned. I’m moving it to Thursday. It’ll be fun, don’t worry~

  • My campaign for Rino’s contest is also coming sometime this week between Friday-Sunday. It’s for Falcon/Winter Soldier and I hope you enjoy it. He and I will also be working on a campaign soon which ties into my next announcement…

  • I plan to go back and refresh my older concepts. I’m not sure if I should do remake cepts or just update them. If I update, they get less attention. If I do remake cepts, they may be cliche…still working that out. But after I finish my next concept, I will get to work on a refresh for my very first Marvel concept and work on the campaign which involves him.

If you’re in my concept PM, you will be updated soon on my further plans…anyways, expect a good concept on Thursday. See ya then. Rex out. :wave:


Update. War Machine is added.



Quick announcement. The Sam/Bucky campaign will have to be tomorrow. Look forward to it. :eyes:

Update. The Falcon/Winter Soldier campaign is now finished and added. The first of many, I would hope. As for concepts, my Iron Man refresh will be sometime this week as I continue to figure out how to refresh concepts for the future. Megamind will come shortly after. :eyes:

So, uh, July 4th will actually be a concept for a American hero. That’s all I can say. Megamind will come prolly the week after. Iron Man will be sometime this week though or early next. I’m winging things more. Maybe not a good idea but I’m just kinda going where the wind takes me. :woozy_face:

I have an idea for a character you could do eventually:
Angela from Gargoyles (Friendships would be Demona and Barley)
I remember a big part of Angela’s character arc in the later seasons of Gargoyles was trying to get her mother to redeem herself so i think a friendship between her and Demona would make sense. The friendship name would be an easy one to come up with:
Mother-Daughter Time
As for Barley and Angela’s friendship name, that one’s a little less easy to come up with.

Update. Captain America is added! :grin::us_outlying_islands:

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Got any plans to do a concept on Shuri eventually?
If you do, having either Honey Lemon or Wasabi as one of her friendships would make sense. Tron could be her other friendship.

Sorry I’m late lol. But not currently. Maybe in the future but idk.

Anyway speaking of concepts, boy has it been a while…I was talking about the Iron Man refresh months ago lol. But I must say, I’m sort of not really feeling Marvel concepts rn. But, I am interested in doing some other things. I want to use my creativity for concept making again. So, here’s a poll to see what you guys would like.

  • Teen Titans
  • Transformers
  • TMNT
  • Genshin Impact

0 voters

I do also want to do some Marvel villains like Killmonger and Mysterio soon. But yeah, refreshes are a no. Lacking motivation for that.:sweat_smile:

So seems like TMNT got highest. Cool~.

So, which character should I do first? I’ll do the 4 and then probably go to Transformers as that got the 2nd most votes.

  • Leonardo
  • Raphael
  • Donatello
  • Michelangelo

0 voters

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