Roadmap Feedback

Most likely won’t see anything added to roadmap until tomorrow


I see and thanks for letting us know Loutre :-).

Thanks, I really hope he will be finally useful. :slight_smile:

“Hero Tagging System” has been moved from In Development to In Testing; I don’t see any other changes, though I don’t know if

means there might be more changes to come tomorrow.

Nope, that was the only change. I just didn’t want to make a promise that it would be updated today since I have a lot to catch up on from my week out.


Thanks for the clarification!

So… anything planned in mind to add/moved to the roadmap?

It’s not roadmap day today!


Okay, thanks :+1:

Any update on roadmap today? @Loutre

Also… is possible to include which hero gets hero refresh in 3.2.10 (just telling who, nothing else)? As the patch notes are on friday…

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Roadmap update would be next Monday! I don’t believe I can give out those secrets!


So yeah, guess it is Roadmap update day today then :-).

Really hoping we get something new and interesting get added and not just [Hero Tagging System] removed from [In Testing], like since it is a good while since something new and interesting got added to the Roadmap.

Could you ask the team if you could add something new to the Roadmap even if it is a small thing Loutre? :-).


tenor (38)


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Loutre hasn’t actually been on the forum yet today, so not sure if Loutre is likely busy in real life or not or something else.

@Polaris I wouldn’t usually tag you now, but do you know something in terms of Loutre or they just haven’t taken time to be on yet?
No worries if you don’t answer that specifically for privacy reasons, but if Loutre are busy now do you think you could update the Roadmap Polaris? :-).

Just getting to know if the Roadmap will be updated today or not would technically be enough as then we know something, as well as if we players should be in watchdog mode for the Roadmap update or not.

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I had some things come up and had to take the day off today, but once I catch up from weekend/Monday things tomorrow the roadmap will also get an update.


Ah I see and no worries Loutre, and yeah hope things are going good for you in real life even if a bit busy :-).

And yeah, will be looking forward to the Roadmap update tomorrow then ^^.

They did say approximately 2 weeks, after all.

The roadmap has been updated, but as far as I can see nothing new added and the Challenge Books just getting moved to [In Testing].


Ohoh, sounds not good :frowning:

There has not been a single thing could be slightly helpful toward majority of players :frowning: will they ever address the insane amount of stamina needed? We will never know :frowning:

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