Roadmap Feedback

Is there an update to the Roadmap we can look forward to today @Nugget ?

Also wanted to ask if we should also tag Loutre in this specific thread, since both of you are updating it:


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@Nugget is the updates on Roadmaps still only every two weeks?

Nothing today, possibility of something new next week (30th) - correct?

Would be really great if we can get a hint / preview of something coming in the Patch Notes
For example:

Even if it is just a hint or a blank page of “New Feature coming” with a Label “4.7 Update”

Similar to how it was when it first started:

It would also be great if the collections could have these tags too, so we have an idea of when they are expected


What happen to Mulan collection, it was removed from roadmap, it isn’t in patch notes…

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They can’t have a collection be added in the same week of that collection’s Invasion team colour - that would be too easy for players
It is more fun and challenging to add the collection the week after :slight_smile:

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No updates for the roadmap yet! When there are available to us, they are immediately added!

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Where I can find this site? New late game crate in the picture

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DH:BM Roadmap | Trello

I would advise taking anything on there with a substantial dollop of salt :man_shrugging:


I think I do see some bits of a possibility of a gold crate slider being tried out. Maybe.

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Well, this got old veeeeeeeeeery quickly. Haha. :sweat_smile:


But there is still no open all crates for the crates we have thousands of
X10 diamonds
Red skills

Very underwelming tbh


x10 Red Skills :sweat_smile: will they give Phoebus Skill Chips now? :thinking:

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This handles opening 10000 crates much faster than I was expecting, @Nugget pls pass on some appreciation :+1:

if the result display could be ordered by chips → badges (by rank) → bits (by rank) without impacting the speed too much, that would be super cool :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: it’s just a big bundle of unordered items at the moment which is difficult to actually assess what we’ve got


Well with several buys one can look at the inventory.

But from what I have noticed… 100-200 white and green badges, 50-100 blue badges…

and I have noticed that around 33B gold spent gives at least 3,710 purple bits, that´s well… depends. Can be 185 badges or 76…

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Mulan collection was added back on 25th January - current view is:

Hoping to receive an update today @Nugget @Loutre - it’s been four weeks
Also if you could confirm when we can expect updates that would be great.

Just adding request again for the Friendship Campaign feedback that was done in October to be added to the roadmap so we know that it is still being worked on - and an update would be appreciated if you have the two-weekly meeting for Roadmap today.


@Samm @Polaris is there any update on Roadmap?

Also would appreciate some news about Friendship Campaign mentioned in my previous post?


I just hope they changed back the friendship campaign before the merge. All enemies were at Y1, much much better…


@Polaris @Samm
Yesterday marked 6 weeks since the roadmap was last updated
Should we assume no more updates until it is updated?


I keep finding myself clicking into the roadmap every week or so
Hoping to see that it has been updated, but knowing it probably won’t be…

Loutre is still listed as the profile owner…

Sad that another feature has been discontinued


Don’t need much of a roadmap when the end’s in sight.


Sure feels that way with the constant change in community managers, less updates worth while more often, the more server mergers, less comments made in here by perblue etc… sure feels like they focusing more on the next thing than this game.

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