Sargeant Concept (Likely)

Sargeant (Toy Story, 1995)

Sargeant is a tactical mastermind who leads his team with precision and authority. Whether boosting morale or calling in reinforcements, Sarge is a valuable asset in any battle.

“A good soldier never leaves a man behind.”

Stars: :star:

Type: Frontline Support

Trials Team: Blue Team

Entrance: Sarge descends into the battlefield with the help of a parachute.

Victory: Sarge salutes.

Defeat: Sarge falls backwards.


Basic Attack:
Normal Damage :fist:
Sarge looks into his binoculars, damaging the nearest enemy.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Man Your Battle Stations!”
Sargeant gives a signal, granting himself and all allies X shield and Y armor and reality for 12 seconds. Every ally is Cleansed, and gains +75 energy for every debuff the Cleanse removes.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Code Red”
With a wave of his arm Sarge commands other army men to drop a radio on the enemy side of the battlefield. This radio has X max health and Y armor and reality. The radio Distracts and Limits all enemies within a certain radius while it is on the battlefield.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Resume Positions”
When an enemy comes within melee range of Sarge, he and the two nearest allies become Invisible for 7 seconds and have their attack speed and crit damage increased by 100% for 8 seconds. This skill can trigger once every 9 seconds.

Invisibility has a chance to fail on allies above level X.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Recon Mission”
While the radio is on the battlefield, all enemies lose X armor and reality. The three nearest enemies to the radio also have their normal crit, fantastic crit, and crit damage reduced by 20%. All allies have their normal crit, fantastic crit, and crit damage increased by 20% while the radio is on the battlefield.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Reinforcements”
“Code Red” also grants the three allies nearest to the radio X shield for 8 seconds.

Anytime an enemy attacks the radio from “Code Red,” that enemy is Sapped for 7 seconds.

“Man Your Battle Stations” now grants all allies Precise for 6 seconds.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X armor

  • +Y evasion

  • +Z “Man Your Battle Stations!” shield


Sargeant and Bo Peep: The Black Sheep Flies at Midnight…

Make the radio last longer


Disk Power

  • +X “Code Red” armor for the radio

  • +X “Code Red” reality for the radio

  • +Y max health to Sargeant and all allies


  • For the first 2/3/4/5/6 seconds that Sargeant’s radio is on the battlefield, it is Invincible

Allies: Rex, Mr. Potatohead, Duke Caboom

Sargeant and Captain Amelia: Natural-Born Leaders

Make shielded allies faster


Disk Power

  • +X max health

  • +Y “Man Your Battle Stations!” shield


  • Shielded allies have their attack speed increased by 40%/80%/120%/160%/200%

Allies: Baymax, David Q. Dawson, Geppetto


Wow! I love it!

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