Geppetto Concept (Likely)

Geppetto (Pinocchio, 1940)

The woodcarver known for his ability to give so much happiness to others, Geppetto supports his allies with his charming creations.


“Just a little more paint, and he’s all finished. I think he’ll be alright, don’t you, Figaro?”

Stars: :star:

Type: Midline Support

Trials Team: Yellow Team

Entrance: Geppetto enters painting his clock, looks up and looks around, then continues painting.

Victory: Geppetto dances around gleefully.

Defeat: Geppetto sneezes and wipes his nose.


Basic Attack:
See passive.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Just A Little Paint”
Passive: For his basic attack Geppetto paints the wooden clock he is holding, increasing the Skill Power of a random ally by 10% for 12 seconds.

Active: The player selects Geppetto or an ally, cleansing them, healing them for X health, and increasing all their skill levels by 10 levels for 15 seconds.

Cleanse has a chance to fail on enemies above level X.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Most Fantastic Clocks”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
The clock Geppetto is holding begins to chime, increasing the attack speed and movement speed of the three frontmost allies by 75% for 10 seconds. The three nearest enemies are Silenced for 6 seconds and are dealt X fantastic damage.

This skill actives at the start of each wave and after every 12 seconds, even if Gepetto is Frozen, Stunned, Silenced, or Blinded.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Music, Professor”
Geppetto pulls out a music box and plays it, increasing Basic Damage and Skill Power of all allies by X for 12 seconds and granting all allies +100 energy.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “So Much Happiness”
Any time Geppetto or an ally deal damage to an enemy Silenced by Geppetto, that ally heals X health.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “This Calls For A Celebration”
Whenever Geppetto or any ally has their Skill Power buffed by Geppetto, they heal X health per second for the duration of the buff. Healing only applies to one Skill Power buff at a time.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X Max Health

  • +Y “So Much Happiness” Healing

  • +Z “Just A Little Paint” Healing


Geppetto and Bowler Hat Guy: Gadgeteer

Heal allies efficiently

Disk Power

  • +X Basic Attack Skill Power

  • +Y Max HP

  • +Z Armor to Geppetto and all allies

  • +Z Reality to Geppetto and all allies


  • Geppetto’s Basic Attack now also heals the targeted ally for 2%/4%/6%/8%/10% of their max health

Allies: Chef Skinner, Meilin Lee, Rex

Geppetto and Gerald, Marlin, & Nemo: Sea Kings

Support tanks for better damage absorption

Disk Power

  • +X Basic Damage to Geppetto and all allies

  • +X Skill Power to Geppetto and all allies


  • Geppetto’s Basic Attack now also grants Tank-role allies Armor for 8 seconds equal to 2%/4%/6%/8%/10% of their Armor

Allies: King Triton, Maui, Donald Duck


Great Concept.


Although beautiful,

I do have some feedback

This is really really huge, please maybe change it

How can this work?

Otherwise, beautiful and unique concept!

It’s supposed to be good. Not mediocre…. And heroes are supposed to have counters for more fun gameplay. This also scales with friendship stars….

He pulls out a music box……and plays it……. and the allies gain these things. What’s not to understand?

Btw @JimiestOfJams, great concept!!

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