Server 21 purchase strike(all servers welcome)

Or jus give us the deals other servers got at our level … instead of 380 batteries for 100 usd

@Polaris nothing changed. The people who had the deals prior still have the deals. The people who didn’t still don’t. What was this update supposed to fix?

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So what was the fix? @Polaris


If someone already had a deal, it wasn’t removed, but the fix was to prevent these deals from being offered to more people. This was an error and we are currently investigating next steps.

@Polaris I really hope so, because this was such a huge advantage to some. I would be a fool to continue an compete spending time and money when such an advantage has been given. This is a huge breaking point that I hope is fixed before next cap update, I will sadly miss this game otherwise. But I value my time and money way too much knowing some will be given a huge boost while others will continue to fight this uphill battle.



Accidentally deleted it. I’ll repost:

Why not send it to everyone on every server. I bought it on my f2p account and it’s money you wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. It would be good faith and it could bring in other buyers who wouldn’t spend money. You’d lose on the big spenders with the big deals, but it would make a majority of the players happy

What about the people who didn’t get the deal, many of those players will stop playing because they just got passed by someone who got that insane deal that shot them up in rankings. Give the players who didn’t receive that deal to purchase, why take it away from them and only let some get it. Yall are really stingy, we enjoy and keep your game running, but many will stop playing because of this.

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hi Polaris

First of all respect to you for always answering in the forums.
Secondly i wanted to advice to just give out the deal to everyone - excluding those who already bought it, im sure its a lot of work but it sounds like the right solution for this recent issue

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We have the same thing going on in S21.
I bought the 20 dollar deal in my case anyway, because its gonna be as good as it gets.
Would’ve insta bought the 10 or 5 dollar deal sa well tbh.
10 dollar one twice even.

People are also buying multiples of the deals even after the “update”. That should be taken into consideration also.

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Thats my answer from support


This CANT be true, tell me u give us the same deal, it CHANGES the HOLE server

Otherwise im gonna speak with Amazon to give me every single cent ive spended back.

And im sure its not legal to just say, we are sorry


Inputting my two cents. The best way to fix this is to provide everyone on the server with the option to buy these deals. There are people who have jumped over 10 levels, can bring an orange 0 to a red 0, and still have stamina left over. This is a huge divide that was accidentally created but the people on server 22 should have the OPTION to level the playing ground. The people who wish to purchase the deal, may feel free too but now that it’s too little too late, my p.o.v. is shifting on how I continue with this game. You will lose a lot of heavy spenders if this issue is not rectified and the most common resolution that is being asked for is the option to also purchase the insane deal. We don’t even want it for free just the option to buy it and make things fair. I stand with Server 22 purchase strike .


This is a good approach @Polaris

Instead of making it a mistake, the team could make it a one-and-done deal, so that it happens to everyone once, but once purchased it can´t be bought anymore. As said by @Drewman even the biggest F2P would be for this one-and-done option.


@Polaris Additionally, seeing as this was a mistake as you said and someone’s support ticket said there’s no deal or compensation being rolled out to half of the server- why was the deal left for those who initially had it? To create more imbalances that are not going to be compensated for? I’m truly confused.

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Our deal is 300 to 400 stamina for 100 usd dollars this gave 7k for 20 usd … do you seriously believe people will spend 2000 usd dollars to “CATCHUP” on a server that where already complaining about the deals being poor value ? Now a good value comes mistake or not and u say o not gonna happen again ?


Pretty sure if you don’t do anything then this will be just like dragon soul


Hello @Polaris

The way to rectify your S22 mistake is to make the Solo Deals available to all. You have crushed F2P players and P2P players in one fell swoop, with utter disregard on the effect this mistake caused.

It’s so unbelievably obvious only by offering the same deals to everyone can the issue truly be fixed.

You were caught in your mistake. Fix it fairly. That is what any reputable business would do.

I hope others join in a Spending Strike unless you remedy the situation properly, which by the way,
would fill up your despicable coffers.



Just remember that Polaris is just the Community Manager, not the one responsible for implementing any of this into the game. Still, I do hope you let them know or frustrations and convince them at PB to fix these problems on all servers, especially 21 and 22 @Polaris!

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This would only increase the gap between payers and F2P…


About deals, why deals with mission speedups were removed? @Polaris
I didn’t saw any from long time, and before it was quite frequent.

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