Server 21 purchase strike(all servers welcome)

There was a post called “perblue let’s talk” and I responded to them wit this response I just wanted to repost it here incase it needs to be seen.

From top guild in server 21… I know we’re way behind on level and teir experiences from server 1 but we are having an extremely similar experience with equal bang for your buck ratio… it’s currently an average of 105 stamina per 20$ and were just beginning red teirs. Currently that 105 stamina plus the daily buys can get one character max badges at R0.

Were having a hard time keeping up and have lost good people on the way bc of the price It takes to keep up. Also to expand more on what you said about new characters comin out. This is the first time we have experienced so many undeveloped (white) toons bc the resources offered doesn’t meet the demand in a fair manor. we cant raise personal toons, experiment with teams and keep our necessary ones active and competitive…

monday the top guilds have agreed to stop spending in protest of a server strike in hopes we get more stamina per dollar so we can enjoy spending again. The top guilds here and I would like to imagine a world where we actually are happy about spending and are satisfied with the progress we get afterwards. We know were differnt being in server 21 than ones ahead but to see some deals that other servers recieve that we couldn’t even get for 10x the cost is not very encouraging.

I also like the idea of potentially raising the cap every other month instead of every month as an option bc atleast we can attempt to build the necessary heroes and potentially a few more personal ones as well… and also strongly agree that the increase in resources should be measured more daily with the cap. For example in invasion the net reward is disproportional to the mod power needed.(invasion teirs+prize rewards doesn’t level 1 toons mods all the way)

Finally to wrap this up many feel the game has turned into a game where if u dont spend (x) amount u legitimately can not compete, and this takes away alot of the fun it used to be when we started. I hope between your post, this reply, and our server strike that per blue sees the decaying qualities that need to be address for their customers to stay happy. And thank you to the feedback above and those that support this change.



Please no rapid lvl cap increases

Please improve rewards

Please improve premium quest

Please improve deals

Please fix bugs

Please refresh older heros

Please no power creeps

perblue ok!!! new hero yes?


Perblue why wont you give us some feedback. Here is a deal I got this weekend 100 usd for what comes out to 2 to 3 red badges … multiple item drops and team xp … Wouldnt u need jus 1 of each ?

so that was offer during contest then this one immediately after it ended … wtf ?


3 Day strike commencing after contest.

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How about we DONT play DHBM during the strike?

I actually would be ok with this idea. It would be really good if all the servers did this. If everyone here gets on board, I am sure people would spread the word on the servers and guilds.


Too hard to do. And it’ll backfire easily.

True, true. Perblue and us won’t like that.

My response from support- deals are different because old serves have more heroes (wrong) and require more resources to level them up (yeah but it’s not proportionate). Case in point s19 is only 1 level higher than us, yet there deals are like 10 times better, but does it require 10 times the stamina to level up?


This is technically true. Servers 19-22 do not have Shan Yu. He is the only character these servers are missing.

I am on that server. I cannot speak for money deals since I am not P2P, but the diamond deals are really bad. I got a diamond deal for 5 Launchpad chips for 500 diamonds today. My other diamond deals are 1200 diamonds for 3 Hard City Watch raid tickets and 25 Scar chips for 1350 diamonds.

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1 hero shouldn’t cause the deals to be so different, and for the sake of my argument I’m trying to compare as much as I can to s19, so them not having shan is supporting my point, that they don’t have more heroes.

S1-13 have 11 more tiers, and newer badges cost over 13k stamina. It’s much more expensive.


@Angelsplitter Three day strike starting today? Sounds good.


Also noteworthy update. Contest results from this weekend show that the S21 active player count is actually more like 47,000 players. (Top 1% ends between 460th and 491st)

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I think we should change the title of the thread. It is no longer just about S21. And probably we should start a bigger strike on all servers and ask people to go to the forum.


Yes, and that’s fine. Nobody is saying the deals should be the same, but they should be proportionate and scale properly. S19 deals are 10 times better give or take, but it’s not 10 times more expensive to badge up a hero.

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I have been trying to say that! I do hope that people in Server 21-22 are willing to let us join and change the title of the thread.


This is without question. Some diamond deals for chips equal as much as 140 diamonds a chip while others are 18 diamonds a chip. It’s peculiar because half the time the toon may also be in a shop. But unless your buying diamonds with cash then buying chips then it’s outside of the range of the strike.
Diamond deals and diamond quests seem to be consistent on all servers. But being more inline with server 19 is meeting with PB in the middle


I think more severs will be need to get a change. Going across all servers would definitely do the trick but getting that many people on board seems like a tall task.

Careful there - they could decide to nerf everyone else just to spite us.

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