Server Merge Discussion: Servers 5-7

If someone already has 2 accounts in the same server? Is it possible to merge them after the merge is done? @Polaris

Yes, we’ll allow consolidation of any accounts from any of those servers following the merge.


It isn’t a bug. Percentages don’t depend on which rank you are, it only depends on how many people participate in it.

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I don’t get the “Account Consolidation”
 so basically, if you have any items on your Alternate Accounts on S5-7, you can ask for transfer on your Main Account?

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Here’s an example:

I have TL 80 Polaris on server 5, and a TL 45 Polaris on server 7. I’ve been playing on both, and after the merge, they’ll be on the same server. I don’t want to keep both accounts, so I can send in a support request to move the resources and items from the S7 account to the S5 account. The S7 account will be deleted, and only the S5 account will remain.


So server 4 can also be expecting a server merger?

@Polaris, am i right to say that, for existing accounts on server 6 and 7, all current heroes, hero levels and hero skill levels will be retained after the merge into server 5?

At least it’s not server 1

But even if it was server 1 you wouldn’t need to do anything, since server 1 is the top server

Just last few questions: you already explained how merge will work (how to ask for account merge and what will be transfered and what will be not) and when it will be possible (from the day the new server will be up for the first 14 days) but how it will goes? I mean:

Lets say i have 1 account on each server and i ask to move all stuff into server 5 account. Then? My s6 and s7 acc will immediately be closed? Do i need to stop play and login with them? How many days it will require? So its the same if i ask the account merge on august 15 or aigust 27? Or he later will ask for it the later it will happen? And if i continue play on accounts after i asked for a merge i will get the exact stuff these accounts had when i asked to close and merge them or the stuff they have when they get closed (in case i played a little bit more with these a counts getting more stuff)?

I think explaining all these (maybe creating a f.a.q. Post will help a lot the community!

Thanks @Polaris and please let us know!


If account A is chat banned and account B is not
 Would consolidating A into B transfer the chat ban as well?


Yes, all accounts on server 6 and 7 will move to server 5. If you log in after the merge, your game experience should be almost identical as before the merge, but with more people on the server.

You can keep playing on any of your accounts after the merge, even if you request an account consolidation. We have to process each consolidation request individually, so once we get to a player’s ticket, we run the tool on the accounts listed, and the server does the work. It looks at the current state of the account, so it doesn’t matter when you sent in the request. In your example, yes, your S6 and S7 account will be deleted at the end of the process.

Chat silences will not transfer during a consolidation.

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Warum werden denn nicht erstmal Server 1,2 und 3 zusammen gefĂŒhrt?


@Polaris is there any idea when the next group of server merge may happen? September? Thank you in advance

Will their be any more server merges?(server 1-4) Maybe , who knows

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Is there a merge planned for server 3 yet?

They have only just announced the merge for servers 5-7, if there are any others planned they will probably be a little way away so they can see how this one goes first
Also the idea of servers 1,2,3 and 4 getting a merge would be difficult as S1 has always been ahead of the others, S2 and S3 have both had different things before other servers so they could work, and S4 is the confusing one as it’s still an early server but hasn’t had early access to anything so it would make more sense to hop over to S8 for a merge
But like I said that is pure speculation about something that may or may not happen in the future, AFTER this merge


So will we have our heroes because I have a account one of of them

( in the future) Will every server be merged?

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As explained in the post, your heroes will be unchanged. Nothing on your account will change unless you choose to apply for consolidation.

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