Server Merge: S1,2-5, 21-22, 23-24 Jan 27th Information

My main account is in server 22
i created new account in server 21 like two weeks ago
can I consolidated my new account in server 21 to my main account when merge start @Loutre ?

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if you’re not doing anything yourself with your account, then everything will be exactly as it is before the merge :slight_smile:

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If the account was made after December 8th, no.

It is in the first paragraph and we announced that the merge would be happening on December 8th which was when we shut off the account creation for the merging servers.

I wonder why the contest rewards became trash then. Wasn´t it just after the merge announcement that the contest rewards went trash?

Hint hint - will they return as they were before the announcement after Feb 11?

The contest rewards have nothing to do with the merge and I have given the team everyone’s feedback on that so this is not relevant to this thread.

Okey, I take it. I just remarked it as a fair coincidence.


if i have 2 account beside my main account
should i write ticket merge in every account or i just need to write on my main account?

This is how you write in to support.

Basically I would write something like this.

Hello, I would like to consolidate my accounts.

DESTINATION ACCOUNT: ID of Destination Account (to KEEP)
TO BE CLOSED ACCOUNT(S): ID of Account 1, ID of Account 2, …

Written in italics would not be there, bold would be changed with a 6- or 7-digit number (and server identifier if not 1… so 2: for Server 2, 5: for Server 5, etc.)


Thanks for telling us all about this.

Can we consolidate Epic CW keys @Loutre? The ones we get from finishing hard CW? Or are those just gone? Haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere

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EDIT: The below response is incorrect, as discussed here.

Found a response from a December 2020 merge thread that says they wouldn’t be consolidated:

It’s possible things have changed in the year-plus since then, but unless Loutre says otherwise I’d assume any Epic City Watch Keys on your secondary account(s) will be lost when they’re merged into your main account, so plan accordingly.

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That’s just horrible :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: and also, I don’t think I can spend it all up before 27th Jan :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: they consolidate Red Skill chips but not Epic keys? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Ridiculous

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Well, the keys aren’t in our inventory, so it’s not all that surprising to me. How many keys do you have on the account you want to merge into your main account?

More than I can spend :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: and I don’t have any red heroes on my 2nd account :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

why epic city keys not transferable? thats just horrible :frowning:

Since they aren’t consumables, it would require extra programming in order to allow keys to be consolidated with account mergers.

Oh, well, yeah, that would be a problem then. :grimacing:

I’m assuming this means that full heros/hero stars are not converted into hero chips. Can you confirm?

Please clarify? I think it should say “it is highly recommended you make the destination account the guild leader” It reads as if you are saying to create a new account. Make that account the leader. Then change give your original account the leadership back after consolidation. If so This would be a problem with a full guild.

„Servers Merges: 13, 15, 17, and 20 & 1 and 9“ had Epic CW Keys mentioned as items that CAN be transferred. But since then I can’t see them on any list…

@Loutre Could you please let us know what happens to Epic CW Keys, since they’re a valuable resource that’s hard to spend quickly, if a lot are banked.

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