Snoopy, Woodstock, and the Beagle Scouts(Unlikely Hero Concept)

Snoopy, Woodstock, and the Beagle Scouts (from Peanuts)

Description: Snoopy, the daring Flying Ace, and his mechanic, Woodstock, will take down the creeps during there on going hunt for the Red Barron
Quote: “Curse you Red Barron!” (Written)
Trial Team: Yellow
Stars: 3
Entrance: Snoopy will walk out of his dog house and hop on it as he puts on his Flying Ace attire. Then Woodstock and the Beagle Scouts walk out of the dog house and spin an invisible propeller on the dog house before hoping on the dog house with Snoopy
The Flying Ace :arrow_up:
Victory: Snoopy will hop off of his dog house and do the Snoopy dance while Woodstock and the Beagle scouts fly around excitedly
Death: Snoopy will hit one of the Beagle scouts with his baton before Woodstock hits the same scout with a wrench
Role: Midline Tank

Basic attack: Snoopy will fire spurts of bullets at the closest enemy

White skill: The World War 1 Flying Ace: Fantastic damage
Snoopy will fly through enemy line while firing a barrage of bullets at enemies, dealing X damage and applying Barron to the enemy with the most health for the rest of the wave. Enemies with Barron will always be attacked by Snoopy even if he’s distracted, when Snoopy attacks them he will deal 20% more damage to them and Snoopy will be healed X health when he hits them. Only one enemy can have Barron applied

Green skill: Quick Fix: Fantastic damage
One of the Beagle Scouts will pull out a wrench and hit the dog house with it, healing them X health and energizing them. During this, Woodstock will fly over and scuffle with the enemy with the most skill power, dealing X damage and applying a random disable

Blue skill: Curse You!
When Snoopy reaches below 25% of health, Snoopy will yell at the creeps speeding the weakest ally’s and Snoopy’s attack speed and movement speed by 100% for 10 seconds. This will also give Snoopy Berserk for 15 seconds

Purple skill: Grand Adventure
If there are any enemies with Barron applied, Snoopy will take 30% less damage from all sources, but once the enemy is KO’d, Snoopy will lose that effect until it is applied to a new enemy

Red skill: Hang On Snoopy: True Damage
“The World War 1 Flying Ace” will now deal True Damage. Along with this when “Quick Fix” is used Snoopy will gain Ace for the rest of the wave, Ace will have Snoopy gain X energy whenever he is healed


Snoopy, Woodstock, and The Beagle Scouts and Bolt
Disk: Sidekick Shenanigans
Snoopy will gain X skill power upon KOing a Barron enemy
Bolt notices Snoopy’s group of s”sidekicks” and thinks about getting one of his own
Allies: Goofy Cheshire Cat Kevin and Russle

Snoopy, Woodstock, and The Beagle Scouts and Minnie Mouse
Disk: Adorable Annoyance
Snoopy will get a random buff after KOing a Barron enemy
Minnie just think Snoopy and his little costume is soooooo adorable but Snoopy, though he enjoys the attention, thinks it’s muddling his reputation
Allies: Bolt Pluto, Figaro, and Gubbles Hank and Dory

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