Solo deals feedback

Did you give server 14 a survey to respond to in game? I’m confused as to who has said positive things when reading the comments on this thread and how you got the positive feedback from where.


What other sources of communication do you have?

Serious question, as it seems unlikely that an abundance of S14 players wrote in support tickets expressing their gratitude and praise for this new deal format. I’ve only seen contempt for it. :thinking:

This is the only reason I can think of as to why PB are going ahead with these…


Or by overall response was positive, do you mean you made more sales to deals?

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I’m going to guess it was financial feedback from the people who didn’t stop spending, Someone in our VIP chat just said they’ve spent roughly 500 on solo deals since they came out. So if there are more whales like that on our server that were not deterred, their dollars apparently speak louder than our words.

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There hasn’t been 500$ worth of solo deals released… that person is also lying. Majority of deals were repeats of Scrooge for 4.99 and 9.99, I catalogue everything daily on a spreadsheet for record keeping

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Another note. All deal thats were going on prepatch have ended early. Have now been replaced with deals 2-4x more expensive.


Why wasn’t this either mentioned in the patch notes, or also announced in game?


This is why information can never be trusted. Players like that ruin the game for everyone else.


@polaris pay no mind to those whose comments get flagged. I have given positive feedback and have broken down how the deals are good. I’ve spent more now than before the solo deals.

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@Chree You are the person being exposed

There was both an in-game announcement and a forum post about this change.

We can tell when it’s one person and their umpteen alts. We have a pretty sophisticated system.

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You are the person harassing me in game and in forums. @polaris can anything be done about this? If the harassment continues I will press further action

I was referring to ahead of time, not the one that was posted right after the update.

No it must be all the other people angry with you I see no harassment. However if you want to keep trying to manipulate these boards you will be exposed. I have no idea who you are good sir.

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If we can please keep on topic (feedback on the deals, not on each other), that would rock.


Ok this is about the deals, maybe we should try to get back on topic!

Although this is quite funny to watch (grabs popcorn) :rofl:

Sorry, what? I realise this is off-topic, but your opinion is no more valuable than anyone else’s, and everyone is entitled to give theirs in a respectful way. None of us complaining about the deals here are “those who’s comments get flagged” - in fact, the OP @Rhamona_Q is one of the most active and helpful community members there are over on the subreddit, and we both are dedicated & supportive players.

Could you link your post explaining the benefits of these deals, please? I haven’t seen it.

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Eine gute Nachricht. So lange hier nix geändert wird, spare ich viel Geld. Wollte mir eigentlich zu Weihnachten ein großes Paket kaufen aber das hat sich jetzt erledigt.


I would like to give some feedback.

It is unfortunate that your bean counters decided you could make more money by taking the stacking deals away. It always feels bad to have something taken away, instead of having these new offers in addition to the stacking offers. This was one of the best features of this game and the reason I chose to spend money on the game.

I regularly purchased the subscriptions, and contrary to your post that the offers are the same as they were before, the subscription option is significantly worse.

Please let your bean counters know that, at least from this user and my family, they will not be earning money until the stacking offers are back.


Same…I bought ideas because they were stackable. Buying the monthly diamond deals that were stackable was a big win for me, now I’m just waiting for something to stack it with so I can renew… looks like I’ll be waiting a long time . Sucks man

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