Solo deals feedback

Didn’t realize they didn’t stack anymore before making a purchase. Very disappointing. I’d 100% refund this if it didn’t result in a lifetime ban.


All I’ve seen on server 16 is these solo deals. PerBlue won’t be getting a cent of my money until I see stacking deals again. Ridiculous.

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Ok I’ll chime in here from s3. I don’t even care if I get flagged. Majority of my most recent comments have been flagged. @Polaris you’re making a terrible mistake if you keep these deals on these servers or roll them out to all servers.

We like the stacking deals. Not individual ones. I am almost certain your “positive response” from s14 was in regards to your paycheck from the whales, not the actual deals, as evidence here on this thread and various other forms of social media where players are complaining about these deals.

You are about to merge a bunch of servers in a couple weeks. That’s literally clue #1 your servers dying.

Old servers begged for a server merger months ago and you told us NO because “all servers are healthy.” Clearly that’s not the case anymore pending the merger right? So why…why would you further deplete the player base you have left?

I told you once and I’ll tell you again. It’s just a matter of time before DHBM ends up a “has been” because you drive all your players away.


Sorry, I’m not a frequent payer. Occasionally the monthly on S16, yes, because I hate the distribution of raid tickets, but that’s another story.
I really don’t get what people are frustrated about. Here are two examples from S16 und S1.

You get the same amount of ViP rings, same amount of diamonds in the solo deal as in the stack deal.
So genuinely I want to know what the difference is. Ty

In that particular picture, there’s only 1 ‘regular’ deal running, so there’s not much difference.

If there was also a second (or even third) deal for 5.49 or greater running, a purchase of that value or higher would get you all current deals that fall under that price amount.

Say there’s a $9.99 (limit 1) and a $4.99 (limit 2) deal running. Any purchase of $9.99 or higher would reward the $9.99 deal, and both lots of the $4.99 deal. Great!

That’s a fairly uncommon case, but it shows the potential for hugely better value than the new ‘solo’ deals.


Second deal doesn’t include diamonds and rings.
No stacking.

How it’s great?

The difference is huge. With solo deals, you get only that deal, even if there are 2 or 3 at the same price. So you’d have to spend 9.99 for example 3 times to get all 3 deals.

With stacking deals you make 1 purchase and get all 3 deals.

You only get one set of diamonds and vip rings, but the point is about what comes with it and value for money.

Let’s say there was a $10 solo deal featuring stamina and a $10 solo deal featuring other great items you really wanted. Youd have to spend $20 to get both and the only thing you really get extra from it is the diamonds.

If there’s 2 9.99 stacking deals and a 4.99 deal featuring items I want or need, I only need to spend 9.99 once and I get all 3 deals.

If I wanted extra diamonds I’d spend the money without caring what else I am getting for it.


I also am extremely against these solo deals. I’ve been playing for about 4 months and have spent money on this game a couple times in the past.

Before solo deals were implemented, I didn’t know they would be and was actively exploring ways in which I could spend more on the game because I play it enough (and spending money on a mobile game is a hard justification for me to make to myself.) Then… bam. Solo deals.

I refuse to spend money on these. Maybe if deals didn’t stack from the beginning, it would make sense because that would be the default in terms of in game purchase value. But having deals stack and then taking that away from us makes us feel like we are not getting NEAR the value for our dollar on something that is already hard to see a tangible value in. You have undermined your player base by decreasing the value of our reward for paying your salaries.

Until the solo deals are gone and I can once again stack some deals with my daily diamond deal, I will not put another cent into the game and will quit of boredom before I even consider it, and I know I’m not alone. However, if I can buy a stacking deal in the near future, I may not get bored and may keep playing. Just a suggestion.


Of course it does. If you buy a diamond package for 5,49 you get the stam packs and Bazar tokens on top. If you buy a 5,49 deal you get usually 330 diamonds and 150 ViP rings by default.

Now coming to S1-13 too.


Yeah. But as usual we get to know that NOW that servers are already down for update but that news was not in patch note… again… another move i really dont like…


i’m surprised it wasn’t in the patch notes, it could’ve increased their revenue by quite a bit with everyone rushing to get the stacked deal value before they disappear


Thanks PerBlue for NOT listeling players. Not going to buy any deal now. What a crap.


This are darker times.


Funny how in the notes they said they “tested this with much approval from players” but reading the forums here you’d think that was quite different…@polaris are you actually paying attention to your player base or just trying to kill it off?


This is clearly for more money, flag this post all you want I’m barely play this gAme anyway


likewise I’m pretty well stumped as to where this positive feedback has come from, out of everyone in game chat, here, reddit and discord I’ve seen literally 1 person who doesn’t completely hate the solo deals.

However presumably the fact they keep rolling them out shows that the revenue brought by them has increased, or at least not decreased. It’s unfortunate that seems to be more of a deciding factor than player satisfaction in this case :stuck_out_tongue:


Ironically enough, if their revenue did increase the last few weeks, it’s most likely because people were probably spending more to still be able to profit from the stackable deals before the solo deals would come to their servers.


The diamonds and the VIP rings take up 2 slots in the offer, so unless PB can increase the offer slots to 8+, some deals will effectively be nerfed with respect variety/value. An example: the 6x mod offer that we had this afternoon - I don’t see how that could be replicated at the moment with solo deals.

Also, from the looks of things they shouldn’t reward the additional diamond rewards for the - Initial “Limited time Offer” - i.e. your first purchase of each dia bag size. A small downside but one none the less.

@Polaris Does this mark the official end for non-solo deals or do PB plan to change between the offer types going forward?
Also, is there a technical limitation with regards to 6 slots in the deal page? I’d feel far more inclined to welcome these offers if there was technically no reduction in value but I feel like the 2 slots the diamonds and rings take up can only hurt deals.


There was a huge uproar on my Discord server of discontent and on my game servers. This was a totally unasked move and the only language a company speaks is „money“ so I will do the the same thing as I did to „Nestlé“ and „Kraft“…:stop_sign::euro::moneybag::dollar::pound:

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