Can we just all take a moment and agree that Frozone is incredibly bad. He is the worst Control hero in the game bar none, possibly the worst hero in the game… Especially with Syndrome added to the Incredibles roster there is zero point to use him.
On top of this Hero 100, Kristoff and Sven, invalidates his existence even further. Kristoff’s blue skill is better than Frozone’s entire kit. The ice block freezes for 10 seconds knocks enemies back and deals damage over time. The freeze is also level independant meaning that it is only reduced by Tenacity. Combined with the fact that both of Frozone’s disks do not benefit him whatsoever. I know there was a poll recently for the next hero refresh and the vote (last I checked) was pretty clear for Buzz/Genie to get the refresh. Both of those heroes are in definite need of it but at least Buzz and Genie have some decent things in their kits.
Genie has a stun, invincibility, energy generation and healing and Buzz has a stun knockback and some decent dps with his purple skill. Frozone only has 2 freezes both of which are level dependent to freeze for 4/1 or 8/2 seconds, a pathetically weak ice wave and a garbage dot on frozen enemies.
So how does one go about fixing an obviously dated hero in a day and age where one skill invalidates an entire character? Obviously a refresh works but it needs to be impactful while still keeping the character’s identity. Below is my idea behind a refresh for him.
This skill isn’t entirely bad as a straight up team freeze but it should be bolstered with at least double the duration so it probably should be in the range of 8-12 seconds. On top of this it could also get a passive where Frozone drains 10 energy a second per hero whenever a hero is frozen from any source. This allows him to keep up the freezing so his team disposes of the neutralized targets.
So straight up this skill is boring, which is fine for when Frozone was made but just feels very lackluster 100 heroes in. I would replace this with an entrance attack much like Baymax, Gonzo etc. Where Frozone skates along an icy path he forms through the team that damages and freezes the team for 6 seconds on top of a 25% movement speed slow for 15 seconds before the icy path melts.
Again this skill isn’t bad conceptually but it is just far too weak to be viable. A strong single target freeze for let’s say 16 seconds would be a very good lockdown tool. I would have this skill prioritize either the front most target or the enemy with the highest Max HP.
Much like his Green skill this is a fairly uninspired skil with a DoT and could be replaced with a more unique skill that fit’s his character better from a role perspective.
For this we could have it where instead of dealing damage enemies become Sapped after being frozen. 1 second for each second they have been frozen.
Obviously a Red skill will come to Frozone regardless of a refresh at some point but what would that look like?
I think when Frozone gets a Red skill it should buff the following: Skill Power, Armor and HP. This would allow for him to have better staying power and really keep him alive so he could disable enemies more and more. On top of this when an enemy is Sapped the other 50% energy generation should be feed into him as another form of energy drain.
This turns Frozone from a pathetically outdated and outmatched hero into one that has a role that still falls in line with his original concept.
Now that the kit is out of the way let’s move on to the friendship disks.
His disk with Mr. I is a just overall bad conceptually. A disk that gives all Tanks Armor and Damage sounds nice in theory but it is really underwhelming when you consider the fact that in order to make the most of this you need to have multiple tanks if you really want to get your money’s worth and that it does absolutely nothing for Frozone himself. So how does one change this? Well as we will see in a minute EVE’s disk is the more defensive one so this one needs to be offensive.
So it should give Skill Power and have frozen enemies Armor and Reality reduced by 5/10/15/20/25%.
EVE’s disk is by far the better of the two although that’s not exactly saying much. Freezing your allies for 2 seconds while not being the worst thing in the world can still be the reason you win or lose. I enjoy the healing this disk provides but it shouldn’t be at the cost of disabling your own team. The whole 20 Reality Negation is also nice but it’s not the best thing he can have.
How I would change this disk is by having it heal for X amount of HP a second per enemy frozen and have it give 4/8/12/16/20% Conservation.
Frozone wasn’t built to be a damage hero or a tank and while EVE’s disk helps him fill a support role, Frozone is a Control hero and that’s what I believe this refresh concept would do.
So let me know what you guys think. Do you think this is good, bad, makes no sense or are you one of the few people who thinks Frozone is good? Thanks for reading and I hope this can get some conversations started about other heroes who are in desperate need of a refresh.