Squirrel Girl & Tippy Toe (Unlikely Concept)

I present for your squirrely nutty entertainment, my Squirrel Girl concept. I thought she was perfect for the DHBM setting, even though she will not likely come. I just want to say two more things: Squirrel Girl is super underrated and defeated THANOS! Also NUTS KICK BUTTS (that is their catch phrase, and not meant to be a inappropriate joke)! Feedback is appreciated.

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Squirrel Girl & Tippy Toe

Source: Marvel

Description: Squirrel Girl AKA Doreen Green, along with her squirrel sidekick Tippy Toe, are ready to defeat some very powerful foes, even if it can get a little nuts.

Quote: “Is it weird that I’m kinda loving this?”

Role: Damage

Position: Frontline

Stars: :star2: :star2:

Trial Team: Yellow


Entrance: Squirrel Girl jumps into the battle with Tippy Toe on her shoulder.

Victory: Squirrel Girl and Tippy Toe high five.

Defeat: Squirrel Girl becomes Doreen Green and disappears.

Basic Attack: Squirrel Girl punches an enemy.

Tippy Toe Basic Attack (see white skill): Tippy Toe uses her tail to whack enemies.

Tippy Toe Defeat: (see white skill): Tippy Toe returns to Squirrel Girl’s shoulder.


White- Squirrel Teamwork
:sparkles: Fantastic Damage
Squirrel Girl removes Tippy Toe from her shoulder and onto the battlefield. Tippy Toe remains on the battlefield for 9 seconds with X Max HP. Together they attack the nearest enemy dealing X damage per hit. After Tippy Toe’s seconds are up, she calls her squirrel friends who run through the battlefield, dealing X damage to all enemies. Tippy Toe then returns to Squirrel Girl’s shoulder.

Green- Computer Science Genius
:fist: Normal Damage
Squirrel Girl takes out her computer and writes some code, studying the backmost enemy for 6 seconds, increasing her skill power by X. Squirrel Girl and her allies do X additional damage to studied enemies.

Blue- Nutty Energy
:fist: Normal Damage
When Squirrel Girl reaches 40% of her HP, Tippy Toe and Squirrel Girl eat a nut. Squirrel Girl gains 500 energy, while Tippy Toe jumps from Squirrel Girl’s shoulder onto the head of the nearest enemy, dealing X damage. Energy gain may fail if Squirrel Girl is over level X.

Purple- Super Squirrels
Squirrel Girl and Tippy Toe’s allies gain 100 energy during “Nutty Energy.” Energy gain may fail if the ally is over level X.

Red- Nuts Kick Butts
All basic attacks from Squirrel Girl and Tippy Toe during “Squirrel Teamwork” shred X reality. Tippy Toe is now on the battlefield for 3 additional seconds. Tippy Toe being on the battlefield for the additional time may fail if Squirrel Girl is over level X.
Additional Stats:
+X Skill Power
+X Armor
+X Damage dealt in “Squirrel Teamwork”


Merlin/Squirrel Girl & Tippy Toe

Campaign: Magic Squirrels
Description: Merlin and Squirrel Girl share the origins of their powers and how they use the power of squirrels to defeat their enemies.
Allies: Rapunzel, Elsa, Hercules
Disk: “Heroic Origins”
Tippy Toe is on the battlefield for an additional 2 seconds. +2 seconds per star on disk +X Basic Damage

Hiro/Squirrel Girl & Tippy Toe

Campaign: Computer Science Competition
Description: Hiro and Squirrel Girl compete in a computer science competition to see who has the best technological skills to defeat the creeps.
Allies: Tron, Baymax, Quorra
Disk: “Technological Heroics”
Squirrel Girl studies 1 additional enemy
Studies last 3 additional seconds. +3 seconds per star on disk
+X Max HP


1- Who is this and what is she from?
2- This sounds great
3- If Kronk was in the game, Squirrel girl and Kronk would be a great friendship

  1. Squirrel Girl & Tippy Toe from Marvel
  2. Thanks!
  3. Maybe.
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