State of the Game - February 2020

Maybe Im late to post this but it would be so great to get Gargoyles in the game.

He knows. He’s saying he has no chance in Epic because he can’t even beat Easy.

Just wanted to jump in and beat a dead horse. I LOVE THIS GAME. But Randall has done so much damage to the game, It’s not longer fun. There have been overpowered heroes but nothing like this. And for this long.


Hi, I would like to see less solo deals. It’s hard to keep spending so much money and the deals is not worth it. Especially the stamina, if its $20.00 for a stamina deal of just around 800 of it then it’s not worth it.


Either way it should be random because we as maxed players will always try and go for the best of the best which makes surge and city watch life tough

Firstly, thanks for being clear with us. This State of the Game is a good feature and should be kept at all costs.

Regarding the things you informed us, I want to thank you for those things:

About all the rest of the content, I gotta say there are pretty cute things like adding more to the story or adding more cosmetics to the game, but we reached a point where those things should be secondary. The game is broken and needs to be fixed right away. There are things way more urgent than adding costumes to the heroes. If the idea here is to listen to the community, then pay attention and listen to us. Noone’s asking for story or cosmetics, we want the game to be fair.

I can easily list things that need attention right now and that the community is asking for constantly, such as:

  • The stamina required to craft badges are way too high;
  • The amount gold required to craft the badges is insane;
  • The amount of xp required to level up heroes are also too big;
  • Skill costs are ridiculous (and that’s not only my opinion, as you can see HERE;
  • Surge teams are sometimes almost aways too strong compared to the most of the guild players’ power, which turns clearing surge a real pain;
  • City Watch can be pretty hard to finish too;
  • Red skills require too many hero chips, especially because we also use them to evolve mods;
  • Gold crates are a joke. You can either revamp it or completely remove it from the game;
  • Diamond crates need more upgrades;
  • Diamonds are completely useless nowadays;
  • Bring stackable deals back;

I’m sure every player that has commented before me also added a few things to that list, so, please, pay attention to what we are saying.


Amen to everything you listed, and I can add one more thing to this list to help as well; increase the rewards for opening crates again. I think I’ve opened several hundred crates now since I maxed out the rewards, and feel like that could be a way for more rewards to be given to folks who have opened a ton of crates.


Things need to slow down. You add way too much too fast. The friendship fights, invasion and city watch have become unbeatable. It costs too much to level your characters up. Everything is just too much


I’d really like to see the raid ticket issue fixed. I’m sort of at a stand still and several others in my guild are as well. Never ever have I ran out of raid tickets. We also need more of a stamina increase. I’m a VIP 18 so it’s not like I haven’t spent some coins on supplies.


@Silvermist235 This is fixed, you no longer NEED raid tickets, once you finish them you can use stamina instead, it costs 2 stamina extra per raid without raid tickets.

Also, just FYI, if you raid with a dbl drop active raid tickets drop at the same rate you use them, so they before “infinite”.
As I’ve said before, no one should ever spend any significant amount of stamina without dbl drop active.

Edit: Here is some advice if you are out of tickets.
Do a large raid using stamina as the raid ticket (so it costs 8 stam per raid instead of 6) you will earn a bunch of tickets, now save those raid tickets until the next dbl drop - then they are infinite. If you do this and save your VIP raid tickets, you should be able to build your stock up again.

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Your transparent communication is very appreciated, thank you for that. I hope you come up with some good ideas to partially close the power gap between serious players/payers and the left behind group. I oppose the idea that players don’t play seriously if they are in said second group.
I’d really love to see more balancing in the game (hero stats, gold costs, rewards for a week long event like Invasion).
Recently I started PQ again and I was so pleased to see reasonable stamina deals that allow to catch up in a decent amount of time. I’d suggest to check if those kind of deals could be implemented in DH, too.
I truly miss the ‘Gift-your-guild’ - Deals in Disney Heroes. People go regularly crazy buying them and helping out the whole guild. Why those kind of deals seemed to have dissappeared or never considered?
I really hope you add GyG-Deals to a regular rotation. Maybe, just maybe you make them stackable :grin:.
This kind of incentive is that’s what needed to entice dolphins to spend. Peace out

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We’ve had players on easy city watch on 19 getting top 5 powered players line ups. Which were impossible for where they were!

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It would be great that if on Creep Surge, Randall never shows up. My entire guild stays away from attempting to fight when he’s in the group. It’s the least that can be done for keeping an unfair character in the game.


Red skills please

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Pls nerf Randall or just don’t add him to city watch, is trully insane fight against him


Out of curiosity, is this up yet or no? I’m not a guild leader so I was wondering if everyone would be able to see the section or just the GLs?

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It should be available already. There is this account called @GuildLeaderChat

(AKA Polaris?)


The new Guild Leader section is up and we’re providing feedback on a few areas/questions.

It’s a big pretty diverse group of guild leaders and so far the feedback is very constructive.


Where is it?

Is anyone from S2 active in it? As far as I know none of the top guild leaders there actually use the forums, idk who I should be passing my feedback to

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