Stromboli Concept (Likely)

Stromboli (Pinocchio, 1940)

Whether from his puppet shows or by beating creeps, Stromboli is ready to make a fortune in this new city.


“You will make lots of money… for me!”

Stars: :star:

Type: Frontline Control

Trials Team: Yellow Team

Entrance: Stromboli struts in proudly.

Victory: Stromboli gestures up, taking up space.

Defeat: Stromboli shakes his fist and begins speaking Italian rapidly.


Basic Attack:
Stromboli swings his sword.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Onion Crunch”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
Stromboli pulls out an onion and takes a big bite of it, healing himself for X health. He then throws the onion at a random enemy, dealing X fantastic damage and Blinding them for 8 seconds.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Caged”
Stromboli keeps track of the last enemy to use their active skill, and drops a wooden bird cage on them. The enemy is Snared for 10 seconds, has their Basic Damage and Skill Power decreased by X for 12 seconds, and has 100 energy stolen. This skill can be used once every 8 seconds, and cannot be used until an enemy has used an active skill.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Dance For Me”
Stromboli wave his hand and a random Marionette descends into the battlefield with X Max HP and X Armor and Reality. Marionettes have a 25% chance to dodge any incoming attacks or skills. A max of two Marionettes can be on the battlefield at one time. Stromboli becomes berserk as long as a Marionette is on the battlefield. This skill can be used once every 12 seconds.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Public Eye”
Normal Damage :fist:
Once a Marionette from “Dance For Me” is defeated, Stromboli deals X normal damage to any enemy that attacked the Marionette and steals 100 energy from them.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “The Great Marionette Show”
“Dance For Me” now has an additional effect depending on the Marionette that appears:

  • Dutch Marionette: The furthest enemy is Charmed for 8 seconds.

  • French Marionette: The two nearest enemies have their Armor decreased by X for 12 seconds.

  • Russian Marionette: One random enemy is Frozen for 9 seconds.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X Basic Damage

  • +Y “Onion Crunch” Healing

  • +Z “Public Eye” Damage


Stromboli and Honest John & Gideon: No More Nice Fox

Deal damage over time with disables

Disk Power

  • X Fantastic Damage per second

  • +Y Basic Damage to Stromboli and all allies

  • +Y Skill Power to Stromboli and all allies


  • Enemies Charmed or Frozen by Stromboli take fantastic damage over time for the duration of the disable

  • +12%/+24%/+36%/+48%/+60% disable length

Allies: Finnick, Aladdin, The Rocketeer

Stromboli and Abu: Monkey Brain

Curse enemies to ensure energy loss

Disk Power

  • +X “Caged” Basic Damage Decrease

  • +X “Caged” Skill Power Decrease

  • +Y “Public Eye” Damage


  • Anytime an enemy has their energy removed by Stromboli, they are also Cursed for 5/6/7/8/9 seconds

Allies: Nick Wilde, Jafar, Ursula

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(10 characters)

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I can’t wait for your next concept!

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Great Concept :+1:

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