The Avatar Tournament. (Season 3)

I know some who submitted each avatar, not all.

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Get two avatars name at DHBM photo gallery for 0$!
Come On.Offer is valid till the date DHBM photo gallery 2 reaches 10K posts :rofl:

I know which one was @MissingLure’s because we talked about it in-game before I even put my entry in lol. :joy:

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Mine was the Street but I didn’t give it that name lol. I just forgot to put one

So I gave it myself :v:t5:

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1 star. I lost 1st place :triumph:


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Cause in common opinion on the forums the words “Basil” and “great” don’t belong in the same sentence lol


I like how you said common opinion since you’re one of the few who think Basil is great :stuck_out_tongue:

The character is great. The in game character is definitely the opposite of great.

Well I have my proofs of that lol.
But yes I am one of the VERY few on the forums :sweat_smile:

The only ones I knew was Joy Coin/Djaq (Thanks photo gallery) and Musical-Inator/Commander Rex


How did you knew? :joy:

I knew

  • Joy Coin
    • Me, of course
  • Beautiful Street
    • Phaldow, he’s in my friends list
  • Olaf at the Prom
    • Missing Lyrics (or someone else) gave it away
  • Musical-inator
    • Should have been obvious, since Doof always ends his inventions with “-inator”, and Rex used to called “Doof”

I literally showed mine here

Y’all thought I couldn’t submit an avatar since I quit the game right? Turns out you were wrong. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Mine was "Rainbow Dash. " (I reinstalled the game and just screenshotted my current avatar. Then I deleted the game again.)


Everyone should have known this, lol. Despite my now being Captain or Commander Rex, I am still Dr. Doofenshmirtz! I could have chosen a cooler avatar though, lol. I have a better one now.

I was Neon New York.

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Thanks All! Time To Reveal who was everyone is disguise


When will s4 start? ty


When do you all want? :slight_smile:

And I am very happy that Contest was rated 5 stars by many people.So i guess contest had improved?

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