The Avatar Tournament. (Season 3)

Thanks All! Time To Reveal who was everyone is disguise


When will s4 start? ty


When do you all want? :slight_smile:

And I am very happy that Contest was rated 5 stars by many people.So i guess contest had improved?

I think the anonymity and the use of Avatar names made it more exciting. At least that was the case for me.


When You all want it to start?

  • 5-10 days
  • 10-15 days
  • 15-20 days
  • 1-5 days :rofl:
  • 20-25 days
  • A month

0 voters

And Yup my motive was also that… :grin:

I think “Olaf at Prom” was one of the best lol

This were my other options:
Screenshot_20210303-210022~2 Screenshot_20210303-210009~2 Screenshot_20210303-205958~2

Which avatar is better?
  • Maui’s
  • Mushu’s
  • Baymax’s
  • Kevin’s

0 voters

When can we submit for 4?

See the poll above @Spark

It’s in about a month or so. Be patient in the meantime!

Probably will start on 1st week of April or Last Week of March.
Bcz I have exams :stuck_out_tongue:


If You would like to Co Host Scroll Up, Put Yes/Maybe. Thats It! :wink:

Which is here, but @Spark already voted yes!


FAC#4 Starting soon, Prepare your avatar to battle others, Rules will change a slight( Prolly PTs Table will be removed, That suck)
We need a new Co Host
Removing Maybe Option.

Co Host
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Now y´all know what will be my avatar, or I may choose other…

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Shall Each Nominee have 2 avatars?

  • Yeah
  • No
  • Idk

0 voters


PowerUp Removed

  • Yes
  • No
  • Idk

0 voters

Pts Table Removed
  • Yes
  • No
  • Idk

0 voters

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