The ghost grim and grinning’s spooky concept contest

God the almighty respects this post.

The Slappy the dummy concept is in the lead!

Sadly I did double clicked and votes for someone else that we snot the person I wanted to vote for :pensive:

You can click on show vote and vote for another one then.

Try it and vote for the concept you want to win.

Vote here to find the best Disney Villain!
Elimination Game

Oh tnx. Now my vote is rigth

Your vote is still the same… Isn’t ti?

I managed to change it

How can we got more voters for this topic?

I sent a link in my Elimination Game.

If I win, am I disqualified for the next round?

I think you can put more in or edit your previous entry, but maybe so there are more winners, put in an entry for fun and tell people to not vote for it.

No, you just can’t enter the same concept

I know that, but then I would win again with another concept.

Then it would be the concept in second place, and who ever was in second will win if you get first

Considering I’m winning I don’t think I need to create another concept for round 2.

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@Grim_grinning_Ghost when will Round 2 start?

On July 1st

Ok thank you

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