The Original Clone of Sonic

Origin Sonic (Five nights at Sonic’s)

He’s a :microphone::microphone::microphone: midline control.

“Let’s reverse that mindset of yours now…”

Bio: The star of Sonic’s Fast Food Diner, Origin Sonic makes sure the “robbers” stay out of it.

Team: :banana:


Gimmick: Origin Sonic has four stages. At the beginning of battle, Origin starts off as Origin Sonic. When he falls below 75% of his max hp, he turns into Golden Sonic. When he falls below 50% hp, he turns into 17 Golden Sonic. When below 25% hp, he turns into Salvage Golden Sonic. He can turn back into his previous stages when he heals.




Enter (100%): He walks in.

Enter (75%): He walks in, then sits down.

Enter (50%): He slowly walks.

Enter (25%): He limps in.

Win (all): Turns back into Origin Sonic and starts performing.

Defeat: Powers down and falls backwards.

Basic attack (all): Tosses a microphone.


:white_circle: Robber must die
Fantastic damage :stars:
Passive: Origin Sonic is immune to scares. When get scared, he instead heals X hp.
Active: Origin runs to the closest enemy and jump scares them, scaring the enemy for 20 seconds and dealing X damage to that enemy.

:green_circle: Diner Days
Origin Sonic starts performing, healing himself and his allies X hp and charming the 3 closest enemies for 15 seconds.
Whenever he is in 75%, 50%, and 25%, he turns into Origin Sonic, then turn back into what form he was in.

:large_blue_circle: Bite of 91
Origin Sonic smiles, showing off the blood of Eggman, silencing all enemies for 13 seconds.
The silence may fail if the enemy is above level X.

:purple_circle: Backup Character
Origin Sonic gains X max hp.

:red_circle: Egg Spirit
Normal damage :fist:
Origin Sonic’s basic attack deals X extra damage.


Origin Sonic and Animatronic Spongebob

Dark Days
Allies: Animatronic Squidward, Gorefield, Tails Doll
Origin finds himself in a different restaurant.
Clone Parts
“Robber must die” silences the other enemies.

Origin Sonic and Hiro
Clone Products
Allies: Kevin Flynn, Tron, Quorra
Hiro wants to know how clones work.
Modern Clones
“Bite of 91” scares enemies below X hp.


Will be making a rivalry between me, @Bunny_Cat, and Twilight & Spike (mostly Twilight).

Idea from @Mister_Toon.
New Mode idea: Rivalry

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2 things
1: What do you mean?
2: you listed yourself 2 times.

Anyways this concept is ok.

That is just not going to happen if he ever came into the game, which he will not obviously. This causes too many animations. You have something like this for almost every skill.

I quoted only this so my reply is not that long, but I suggest not using emojis where they are not wanted or needed. I suggest using what others have done.

This makes no utter sense.

This is very creepy for a kids game.

Please work on improving these skills. Look at real heroes in the game for inspiration and other strong concepts.

What is the star effect and X effect? Focus on improving making the friendships.

Overall, I give it a 6/10

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