
Yes, and I understand your opinion. Sorry about making such a fuss about it. I just let my opinion get the best of me :sweat_smile:


For me, Bolt is the weak link in this batch. I’m sorry but i did not feel much of a connection with this one. Bolt was basically Buzz Lightyear in the first movie in dog form. The plot itself reminds me of Homeward Bound with a hamster. All and all, it’s has a bit of a recycled tone to it. But it was during one of Disney’s dry spells so what do i know?


Probably. They’ve been voting in elimination games for a long time, and they’ve never spoken





“The ability to speak does not make you intelligent” - Qui-Gon Jinn


Yes, much better.
Soul was amazing.

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Vote For Wreck-It Ralph!!! SAVE FROZEN!!!

I love Wreck-it Ralph :sob: but Frozen is better!

The end will have to justify the means!

Hey people! Stop having such bad taste!


We all have different opinions…

Well since, an alt is being used, then it’ll be a tie between Frozen and Wreck-It Ralph… Unless the tie is broken in 5 minutes… :eyes:


We Have A :necktie:!!

Break The Tie in between Frozen and Wreck-It Ralph!!

TieBreaker Poll

  • Frozen
  • Wreck-It Ralph

0 voters

If There Is Still A Tie When The Poll Closes(:grimacing:), then both movies will be eliminated

There may only be one!

It’s cliche at this point. But Frozen is just overrated. That’s all I’m going to say for right now to avoid offending or boring anyone due to the cliche.

Wreck It Ralph is at least A tier for modern Disney movies. The video game references and laidback vibe are so fun and the voice acting is great.

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Let it Go and Do you want to build a Snowman intensifies


I agree completely. Frozen is just a tad overrated. Wreck-It Ralph is one of my favorite Disney movies, right up besides A Goofy Movie at #2.

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It is just popular. Nothing wrong with that. It is actually not clique. You used that term incorrectly.


Frozen was designed to break the Disney cliche, lol. So really the opposite!

I could go on about this for hours, but in short this mindset is just going with the crowd.

At its peak, everyone loved it, but then when a few people wanted to be different and say ‘it’s too popular for me to like’, others followed.

Not because the content of the movie receives praise greater than the quality deserves (the actual meaning of the word overrated), but because people feel they need to be individuals and discredit popular content (in turn, discrediting their own individuality. Rather counterintuitive!).

Conclusion: Frozen doesn’t fare well in elimination games because, in the same sense that it’s lots of people’s first choice, for the others it’s their last choice. It’s kind of a love it or hate it thing.

(P.S. not calling anyone out on their opinions or anything. Just usually when people call it overrated, they aren’t able to justify it in regards to the actual content of the movie, instead letting viewership define it. They only call it overrated because they’ve heard other people call it overrated.)

This has been Frozen psychology, with LilRubyKinz. :snowflake:


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