
I think this as well, but I also think that EG Thanos is more consistent than IW Thanos

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Gets dusted
Tis but a scratch!

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Hmm, very interesting idea. If that is the case, I wonder if that would have attracted the Eternals’ attention. Depending on when that would have happened. I think he was at least over 1000 when he did and they most likely are too.

If that is so though, I wonder how it will explain Starfox. He seems to be likely to appear in the Eternals movie and I would imagine he would have been on Titan when Thanos would have destroyed it. That is, if, Thanos did before he had the stones or not. Still, a good idea.

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I imagine Thanos going:
If we continue to live like that, our planet is going to die!
No it won’t, lol
Well, now it will

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That’s somewhat accurate sounding. I do wish Thanos was more rational at some points. For example, killing Loki was not the wisest idea.

If he had let him help him, Loki could have found the stones much faster than the Black Order and the Avengers may not have even been able to get in his way. Still, some things needed to happen to let the plot advance.

IW and EG both share this. I don’t really prefer one. I love seeing Thor in IW and more action in it but EG did have Scott and Clint and the epic ending and setups for the future. Idk, both are amazing and are hard to compare imo.

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Maybe he suspected that Loki would betray him? It is something Loki would do

That is true. I just always think of different scenarios cause seeing my favorite characters go is so sad. Although it’s likely at some point in the MCU, Tony, Steve and Nat may be back to a degree. I hope it doesn’t happen
but it may.

I also hope they don’t come back, character deaths need to be meaningful. Specially sacrifices


So many blocks of text :woozy_face:
Summary, please?

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The three of us being MCU nerds and having fun talking about Thanos and stuff. :woozy_face:


The problem with Resident Evil

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Or Star Wars. Rise Of Skywalker.


Specifically just that trilogy honestly

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If they wanted to make Palpatine a bad guy in the sequels, his influence would’ve been enough to cause conflict

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They are probably not coming back.



Now that is a version of Thanos I can like.


What about this

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My phone blurred it out for some reason

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