

However, I do think we should sign a petition to get redone versions of CW, IW and EG to have QS in them. Just crop in him and pretend he didnโ€™t die. Have him save the family in enough time before he dies. #ReleaseThePietroCut.

But, I do appreciate his death and how much it meant for Wanda and he died a true hero. I just want more of him still. ATJ is my QS. :grin:

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Now this is a Rex-Phase I can get behind.

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Yet another Marvel character who left thanks to Loki! :open_mouth:

Spark, you should get ready if you wanna create a Top 15 roster as tomorrow, there should be 15 left :eyes:

  • Scarlet Witch
  • Black Panther
  • Deadpool
  • Quicksilver
  • Loki
  • Spider-Man
  • Captain America
  • Wolverine
  • Stan Lee
  • Black Widow
  • Iron Man
  • Star-Lord
  • Thor
  • Doctor Strange
  • The Hulk
  • Ant-Man

0 voters

No Gracias Rex :triumph:

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Iโ€™m sorry BP, but I need to save QS.
and he is already won Minnieโ€™s game soโ€ฆ

No, no, no. I get you love QS but come on, BP. For Chadwick. For our King. Heโ€™s getting top 5, no ifs, ands or buts, everyone vote out QS. :+1:

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Or, we could comprise and vote someone else out all together.

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tenor (13)

Anything to get my King up to the top 5. For Chadwick and for all the BP fans out there. :no_good_man:

Perhaps eliminating Stan Lee?
QS needs to be at least top 10 :angry:

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In the same vein as Chadwick. We respect them and will not vote them out. Chadwick had not passed when he won Minnieโ€™s game and as such, he will make it further here. Stan as well. There would be no Marvel as we know it today without Jack Kirby and him. QS is going now. Period.

Just checked. The game ended mid August, he passed at the very end of it. Also, he did not win. Frozone did. Henceforth, he should win this.

He got close enough.

Well he didnโ€™t win :upside_down_face:

Yeah, but not quite. He needs to win. He may not be the overall best Marvel character but he is the most impactful culturally and maybe media wise. No arguing that. QS is good but heโ€™s not the King.

@TherMasterStitch! @Spicyboi @TheCannonCart!
Change your votes to Loki! (or BP). We must save QS!

Yeah, the odds of Quicksilver winning areโ€ฆ very lowโ€ฆ


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Unless you change your vote!
Vote out Loki! @MissingLure

Haha, no.

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Next round existsโ€ฆ and the one after thatโ€ฆ and the ones after thatโ€ฆ andโ€ฆ :grimacing:

Heck, even Loki is gonna suffer the same fate :woozy_face:

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