Trial Events Feedback

I’m talking about stage 10, it’s hard even with maxed heroes! Some days are easier than others, but most f2p struggle with it.

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this new trial event is so buggy…

well, it was a huge challenge… but unhealthy this time. there should be a selection of at least 30-50 heroes, not just restricted to using only 15.


aka this was the “thing that some wanted” pushed to the extremes

I would say that it should be the selection of at least 35% of the roster (and we got 169 heroes if I recall correctly so… that would actually be 60 heroes.


Looks like pb is changing disks on enemies for worse now…

Still last stage has enemies 0lv :trumpet:


Stage 15 is bugged
Silver gets random berserk, he has no tank allies for it to be from disk

Isn’t it his purple skill?

Or the icon literally is showing?

The berserk icon, as he reaches 1 HP

His purple happens too but after the berserk is gone

It turns out they changed disk.

I guess the change was visible later…


Oh wait it’s Bo Peep

My characters are now atleast +9 red (I had to level them) some are even maxed and I’m still stuck on 12! it’s absurd… Merry Christmas Per Blue! Smh



No cosmetic crates, no badge crates… again.

At least it gives both borders and one emoji… still eh.

And campaign trial event… please no more, it’s terrible :sob:

14 day long event but can be done in 2h and then nothing for rest of the event, stupid.



this was way too easy…

10 minutes and the whole 14d long event is done :woman_facepalming:


I have no idea what they have to do to make it too hard for you, cause once again (just with Winter Weather, but worse) this trail is way too hard. No Damage heroes, can’t do pretty much anything with White skills. It’s dramatic

what is harder…

150 banned heroes or just 60?

with over 100 heroes available it’s so easy to make right line

and most of control heroes do massive damage anyway, thank you very much…

The just 60 versions if you happen to be in the group that has Elsa and Kristoff fully upgraded.

Did you read the part where it said the White skills cannot be used (not at start from 12). I have control heroes who have decent damage in white skills (Honey Lemon, Mr Big), but that’s no use

yes everyone has them maxed.

but did you try?

Not what I said

Of course I did! What did you think I have been doing the last hour? Been frustrated that is!

don’t be on auto

use white skills smartly.

and easy.

Didn’t do that either. I know the basics, but that is not enough to clear this trials. That everything is too easy for you doesn’t mean that it actually is an easy trail.

just because it’s hard for you it doesn’t mean it’s hard for everyone :upside_down_face:

try harder and you will win.

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