Trial Events Feedback

So much of the problem would be fixed if Stage 8 was 3/5 or 4/5 Lilo & Stitch characters.

Literally nothing else would have to change.

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Or the event could scale upon your own progress of Lilo & Stitch collection :man_shrugging: for the last round.

Even that would be a decent, but not impossibleā€¦ challenge.

Flexible scaling is a thing in codebaseā€¦ why not here if you wanted us to use just those 5?

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just to add some context -

At current S1 pricing, thatā€™s over $20 in stamina alone, not to mention the XP and Gold


just about 1.4M staminaā€¦ so indeed the Rapid Recruitment deal :laughing:

it is pretty obvious that the update Rapid Recruitment deal is aimed at whales because it is just enough to max one hero. And you can buy ā€œjustā€ 3 a month. One and a half new hero every monthā€¦

And you are at +1.5 surplus per month. So with 188 heroes right now in the game you would have to buy every rapid recruitment deal 10 years to max every hero :clap: very potent

(Just to mentionā€¦ 20 dollars x 3 deals each month x 120 months is 7,200 bucks overall)

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Having all Lilo & Stitch heroes maxed can get you so excitedā€¦ but then you wake up.

Good to know there will be another trial event soon.
Hopefully it will be asā€¦ nice as previous one.
But donā€™t mix Fear/Shank and Gerald ever again!

Hopefully Steampunk border will be the prize. :slight_smile:

Featuring Wreck-It Ralph heroes.

Itā€™s going to be rough.


Well not reallyā€¦ at least Shank is S tier UNLIKE Lilo and Stitch heroes.

But with Lilo & Stitch, I had Pleakley and Angel all maxed out, and Angel protects Lilo long enough to get the Distract/Dodge effect going, so I at least stood a fighting chance.

With Wreck-It Ralph, I have Shank maxed out, and thatā€™s it. Thereā€™s no way that final stage is being beaten.

Well if the enemies deal a lot of Normal Damage :laughing:

It is sad that we will most likely see again ā€œuse all WiR heroes to pass last stageā€.

Bro if this is the case it will literally be impossible, and still super difficult for some whales as well because itā€™s Ralph characters. Unless they all get refreshes (Shank aside), I donā€™t see any point on even trying to do the max level :joy:

Shank and Calhoun are very good. Calhoun does need maxed red skill, otherwise she is near Vanellopeā€™s rank.
Vanellope would be good if she had more negation and fantastic crit, as for now she is mediocre.
Felix and Ralph, well, they are bad.

Felix and Shank already got a refresh, Vanellope and Ralph canā€™t get one, that leaves Calhoun, would be nice to make her even better, why not. Unless Felix will get 2nd refresh.

Buzz got his refresh for his trial event and without forced update, so why not them? Calhoun or Felixā€¦

I hope Calhoun would get one ā€¦ Like you said, Felix got one and still mediocre at bestā€¦ :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

For Calhounā€™s refresh, all theyā€™d have to do is remove the level requirement from her Red Skill. Boom! Instantly shoots up in usability for everyone.

She is the one which will actually benefit from stat refresh, as she requires less stuff to be improved on, not like Buzz or Rapunzel.

Calhounā€™s stat refresh could just increase her base HP by 50-100%, increase scaling of skills by 20%.
Boost Felix disk by 50-100% make energy gain +100%, boost Violet disk by 200%. And done.

Honestly it would be nice if they gave her more scaling than 20% and instead reduce the red skill stat bonus a bit if it becomes too broken.
Sheā€™d still need max red to really shine otherwise

No. And itā€™s not.
Especially with the costs, the rewards needs to be good.

Like Prize wall, can we have the timer on how many resets we have left and when will it be reset?

It will be easier to keep track and prevent the surprise when we canā€™t do Trial event on our last day :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Pls consider @nugget @loutre

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As it seems that trial events are finally revived and appearing sometimes (finally) I guess I will just leave ideas for potential events, as trial events are really welcome.

Kim Possible Trial Event - On a Mission

  • Featuring all Kim Possible Characters
  • Release: With Kim Possible collection

Hocus Pocus Trial Event - Amok, Amok, Amok!

  • Featuring all Hocus Pocus Characters and all other Witches (Ursula, Magica, Madam Mim, Maleficent)
  • Release: Beginning of October (for Hocus Pocus 2)

Villianous Halloween Trial Event - Good to be Evil

  • Featuring all Villains OR All Villains added last year and this year so far
  • Release: For Halloween

Autumn Trial Event - Feeling Blue

  • Featuring all Blue Coloured Characters (main star: Sadness, needed for all fights); and Dr. Drakken, 22, Stitch, Ian, Barley, Flik, Sisu, Genie, Hades, Ducky & Bunny.
  • Release: November

Oh, if only we could get two trial events a month. Such a lovely dreamā€¦

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