Trial Events Feedback

Yeah, it only took a loooong time. Think about all those crates u are getting daily for 3 min of your time

Agreed. Iā€™m not complaining that thereā€™s content that is easier for whales. I completely understand that. But thereā€™s content thatā€™s nearly impossible without being a whale because we have no options. In a game with (what are we at? 175?) heroes where the main focus is to find counters and create a good team, we shouldnā€™t be forced to use 5 specific heroes to complete content.

Whales should have an easier time doing things in the game - not have exclusively.

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I think itā€™s 186

I would like to further comment on this though.

Having limited heroes in a trial for wave trials as the current Lilo & Stitch version is acceptable, as F2P-ers like me can just go a level lower and still get decent rewards. As I said before, I am bumped about not getting the border, but it is what it is.

However, we do get a problem if this limited hero thing extents to the other version of trial events, that is more a quest-like thing (I forgot the exact name), as there you have no choice going to a lower, less impossible stage. There, you will just be stuck and that is frustrating as Kira states above. Iā€™m very glad that wonā€™t be the case for this trial event, and I very much hope that this problem wonā€™t occur in future trials events.

Cause this was one of the reasons there was a total backlash on the Olaf trial, as people got stuck, could not finish the event and the story.


Rewards were pathetic too back then, now rewards are good. :woman_shrugging:

And campaign type of trial events are always bad, once completed there is nothing to do for the rest of the event, while like now, there are 3 chances daily, which is perfect.

Do you remember what they were? I canā€™t remember :skull_and_crossbones:

I think itā€™s the word ā€œchallengeā€ thatā€™s getting me all worked up. Itā€™s not challenging. Make interesting challenges and notā€¦this.

A yes that was the name, thank you!

And yes I agree they are worse regardless, but with limited heroes it becomes so extremely frustrating, that I hope they will not do that. I hope that if they proceed with limited heroes, they at least will always have wave trials and no campaign version. Cause then F2P like me can still get easier stages done.

Itā€™s not challenging, itā€™s ludicrous. The only thing being challenged here is my wallet!


I think limited heroes could work if it was only like two or three, because that is to the point that itā€™s challenging but not total bullcrap.

We want to be doing that, too! But itā€™s just far too costly to rank up a hero from scratch, who may or may not prove to be useful long-term - especially at a momentā€™s notice. Itā€™s just not at all feasible for the majority of players.

If this is the intention going forwards, weā€™ll need a way to significantly offset the cost of ranking up the heroes involved in the limited events prior to the actual event start. Maybe something like limited increased drop events that only work for those heroes, or single-use items that can immediately give some upgrades to a hero of your choosing.

Agreed, but Iā€™d also argue that the current trialā€™s hardest tier is, in itself, a blatant paywall :stuck_out_tongue: I also do agree that we can achieve a great deal without spending money, but having 5 specific heroes available at the drop of a hat is not one of those things.



Yup, i really wanted that border too

I dont remeber exactly, but they were way fewer than the amount of crates we are getting now

That is an epic border. No I donā€™t have anything else to add to this message, just wanted to say that.

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I mean the last level being difficult for most players is kinda acceptable, but the border being locked there is kinda annoying.

Also Iā€™m good with limiting hero choices but 5 is too little

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I really want to hear more about this. How?

Because if you donā€™t drop stamina costs or give wayyyyyy more stamina consumablesā€¦ this is just a pipe dream.

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But likeā€¦ even if we got all heroes to Y0 theyā€™d still be unusable anyway-


Yepper. And there will be no easy way to Y17 hero so.

Why even try balancing stuff @Loutre

Because weā€™d like to focus on the quality of life of the game. Especially since that is our current goal and why we decided to have no more Sign In Hero.

Edit: I also edited your comment @The_Real_Numi to say ā€œpipe dreamā€ because the other one is not appropriate and I donā€™t think itā€™s what you meant.

Sorry for being late, but yeah will clarify now :-).

I didnā€™t actually mean there there would be an actual paywall to unlock the Whaleā€™s Elite mode version of the Event Trials, like the F2P players can try the Whalesā€™s Elite mode version just not necessarily expect to get far.

As a F2P who has barely invested in Lilo and Stitch characters I am not able to test the last stage, given that from what I notice I can only use Lilo and Stitch characters.
While I have been able to get to the second last stage as in the Lilo and Stitch Trial thanks to Darkwing Duck, It is saddening to me that I canā€™t even try the last stage as it is completely Lilo and Stitch focused.

So yeah, this Trial event force you both to level up Lilo and Stitch characters if you want to be a completionist, and in terms of the second last stages have a high damage meta character updated high enough and be high enough Team Level wise.

I at least think it would be more satisfying to have a chance for more players more so to completely the whole Event Trial by letting it be possible for players to test out the last stage at least, so yeah something to consider for the future in terms of the 2 modes ideas for Event Trials :-).
Depends on the Trial Event itself of course and how it is balanced, but yeah something to consider at least.

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