Trial Events Feedback

So much for “all year round event”…:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Out of curiosity, what is the problem? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Oh no!!:fearful::cold_sweat::pensive:

…did loutre ever say this was all year round? but that might be just me not reading everything.

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We said we would like to have it year round not that it will be and similar to the Prize Wall we are working on adding new things and changing things based on player feedback.

This was just the first version of Trial Events.


Will it at least come back this year?

As I recall, there is not really any changes mentioned in patch note. Except there is a new mode of trial event…

So… Trials of Olympus seem… meh @Loutre… unless there is something other than Phil Chips, which I doubt…

So indeed Badge + Cosmetic Crates were too generous.

I think Phil chips are generous, but just not as generous as badge boosters and cosmetics.

Plus, Phil chips are really hard to get right now.

also it has the letters misplaced… in-game is OLYPMUS… M and P should be in the other order.


not really… far from it.

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I also poked them about the s at the end of Phil Chip, but it may end up being a little different for other languages there.


Will there be a time when we get multiple Trial Events at once? Or will it always be just one at a time?

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Trial Events are still in testing so I can’t give an exact answer to this as I am not sure what any final decisions will be.

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Ok, I hope that if the team decides to make Trial Events final and more than 1 running at once they could make some easier way to look at all of them. I would probably envision some differentiation like: Trial Events tab (opening those), Codebase (staying as is), Team Trials (Red, Blue and Yellow a menu showing them as they were in pre-Codebase state).

I think you might like the changes that are already planned.


Something I might actually like. That sounds promising. If it includes Cosmetic & Badge Crates, I’m definitely in. For what weirdness Dulled Damage Trial Event was, it gave good rewards.

Just a question - will Phil´s Trials actually have Cosmetic or Badge Crates, Loutre? :thinking:


If it doesn’t come with Cosmetic/Badge crates and/or Triple Ports, then that seems unlikely.


Total disappointment :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: that’s what I can say about new trial event :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

ZERO badge booster crates, which is wayyyyy more useful than diamond and cosmetic crates :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: I would trade all of those for badge booster crates

The only somewhat good thing is Phil chips, and those doesn’t come in large quantity. If we complete it all, we will have 130 hero chips… Consider we need 530 hero chips to 6 star him or in case we want to work on his red skill, it will be 2000 hero chips, 130 is really nothing :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Havent seen anything worth calling “Improvement” in this new trial event

Below is the screenshot of highest lv rewards for your information

Shush :shushing_face:
Cosmetic crates are awesome. Especially guaranteed ones, they are very rare.
But yes, BB crates are better than DC.

Yay. Chips for mediocre hero~

It’s on plans, so rather it will come with 3.5.10.
Now it was campaign mode only.


Again, way too easy. No challenge :frowning:

Enemies should go to much higher levels like in CW.

Would be better if (purple) cosmetic crates would appear on each level between 5th levels.
And badge crates as well—

Otherwise, perfect, can’t wait for further improvements which were mentioned.

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