Trick or Treating | Forum Game

They’re hidden in <> in some posts where costumes appear. :shushing_face:

Disney Nightmare got Bigfoot’s costume! Lovely got 4 candy!

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Pretty big Kingdom Hearts fan so wanted to try and get him, but yeah if you are a big Kingdom Hearts fan as well no worries both of us likely wanted him a lot :-).

My favorite animal is the T. Rex. It’s my favorite because they are able to eat meat and use their mouths and their head to right. If they were alive now I would study what they do.

As a fan of T.Rex fan I would keep one as a pet if they were here now. Even with small hands I wouldn’t mind letting it lift me with i’s mouth because I would get use to it. The thing we both like to eat in common is meat because It’s the food it likes to eat.

I see, but like couldn’t figure out how to be able be able to see them.

I tried quoting, but not sure if I quoted the right way to be able to see them.

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I don’t think you got the question… you have to make your own cryptid animals.

Examples of cryptid animals: Bigfoot, lochness, chupacabras.



There’s a button that quotes the entirety of a post, including formatting. I’m not sure if it’s the same on mobile, but I’ll point out what it looks like on PC:


Ah I see and thanks for letting me know :-).


It is.

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@PawpsicleSticks if we were to suggest a character using the candy shop could we create our own skills for that character as well. :open_mouth:

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Sure, though I reserve the right to tweak them if needed.


Of course :alien:

But a koala isn’t a bear since it’s a marsupial which is an animal that commonly carries its babies in a pouch such as kangaroos and wallabies

(I read many animal books as a kid and went to zoos a lot. And yes yes there’s also the pun they’re not bears because they don’t have the koala-fications)

Also there’s gonna be no more secret questions then?

Then why are they called “koala bears”? :dizzy_face:

Ok my least favorite bear now is the prizzly bear because it’s a weird looking hybrid

Because when Europeans first went to Australia they thought it looked like a bear so now they’re commonly but inaccurately called koala bears. There’s tons of things called inaccurately like strawberry which from a botanical standpoint isn’t a berry and the starfish which is not a fish.

why is a strawberry called a strawberry when it’s not a berry? :eye:

life’s greatest questions


[x files music]


Why is it called a jellyfish when it isn’t even a jelly or a fish?


Like I learned from a comic that mountain goats aren’t part of the goat genus Capra. Tons of things have misleading names but we decided to not fix it lol


Because humans are lazy

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