Trick or Treating | Forum Game

Revives are good :heart_eyes:


revives dinosaurs


We already had those in Area 51… :busts_in_silhouette:

Technically we do have birds, who which are related to dinosaurs.

There is sighting of ancient birds in New Mexico…. :relaxed:

Oogie Boogie’s costume has appeared! What was the last nightmare you had? First reply gets the costume, second and third get 2 candy. Fourth reply gets 1 candy.

i had nightmare with spiders. i hate spiders :frowning:

I usually forget my dreams…

The last nightmare I had was the entirety of 2020. :slight_smile:

I had a nightmare about falling

My last nightmare was about some headless man just walking around… :relaxed:

My last nightmare was about me being stuck in a maze…I found my way out only to be confronted by a cartoon clown on a TV screen who then blasted loud music at me

…pretty crazy huh?

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No one gets the costume for me to do with it and I have a new shirt :womans_clothes: shirt and ridndnsnsen

A car running over and killing my brothers… I cried in that nightmare…

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DeadCat got the costume! Deathly Hallows and extraterrestrial got 2 candy, CedricSkellington got 1. I’ll give 1 to Djaq as well.


WALL-E’s costume has appeared! Reply with a real-life robot and explain what it does. Minimum 3 sentences. First two replies get the costume, third reply gets 1 candy.

This is a real-life Wall-E robot made by Mike McMaster. All of his parts are entirely fabricated (as opposed to using pre-made parts). He can’t actually cube up garbage like in the movie, but otherwise, he functions largely the same, with the solar charge level even monitoring his actual battery voltage.


this is sophia
she is an ai
she is an attempt at being one of the first robots with emotions


This is Cozmo which I actually once have one. He likes to play with blocks and dance around. You can also code him to make him do certain tasks.


Myeong and Djaq got the costume! LGDB got 1 candy.

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