Trick or Treating | Forum Game

@PawpsicleSticks (I want to use my scrooge card)


I’ll ping you next time a costume drops.

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Here’s a joke! Not a very good one lol.
What do you call a ghostly chicken?

A Poultry-geist!

Helena got Mike’s costume (secret question)!

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Ron’s costume has appeared! To get it, share your favorite Kung-Fu move. First reply gets the costume, second and third get 1 candy.

Weren’t you supposed to @C-train when this dropped since he used his Scrooge costume?


Ron’s kung-fu move which break a whole tree :eye:

Does High kick kung fu move

I knew I was forgetting something :sweat_smile:

I’ll @ him for the next one.


DeadCat got Ron’s costume! Lucas got 1 candy!


Uh butterfly kick :sweat_smile:

Dash got 1 candy!

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Hammer fist

There is no time…. Nothing is everything……

We are universe and universe is us!

Endless everything’s…… :selfie:t4:

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I’ll be waiting for the next costume drop

Always waiting

Might need to get to 2200 first, but not sure.

Well, at least getting the comment count up to 2200 if not 2300 :-).
It is now exactly 1 week to Halloween now, 24 today so 1 week to 31 October.

That’s true…WAIT A MINUTE!!

What will happen to this game once halloween passes…will it get a new name? Will it be forgotten? I need answers!!

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Probably concluded in some sort of way, but exactly what will happen only PawpsicleSticks knows I assume so only they can really answer.

I guess it could be continued if enough people are interested, but ultimately up to PawpsicleSticks.


There won’t be new costumes, but there’ll be another week or so for everyone to use their costumes and candy.

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