Trick or Treating | Forum Game

I wasn’t 100% sure, so I just mentioned that in case. :sweat_smile:

Bumping this

Uh… maybe a caterpillar to a butterfly?

Three Strikes! @PawpsicleSticks

The Answer to the riddle was (and you gonna h8 me 4 this)

The Weasley Twins

Fox Ghost, CodeMore, and LGDB got it wrong

I never know anything about Harry Potter

But I don’t get it :thinking:

Cannon and Code, do you find the answer satisfying?

Same for you three?

My mom never allows me to watch or read Harry Potter so no

If you had a medkit (very important tool :unamused:), where would you place it in the house!

  • Living Room
  • Hallway
  • Bedroom
  • Bathroom Closet?!!?!

0 voters

Oh wait so if I get 15 candy then I can ask for the Panda, Pooh, and Cobra Bubbles costumes to be dropped again so I can get them? Then I need more candy!

Person who chose bathroom closet must reveal themselves………… :frowning_face_with_open_mouth::unamused:

You should’ve made the poll show who voted

It makes sense, I dont usually eat corn the way Myeong described it though lol so i’m not a reliable source

You don’t eat corn on the cob? How do you usually eat it then? Do you cut it off of the cob and then eat it? Or do you usually just eat canned corn?

Screenshot_20211014-183541_Samsung Internet

I have eaten corn on the cob, it tastes fine
When my family buys it, it comes in these bags of kernels you can microwave and then eat

Your crazy!!! :frowning_face_with_open_mouth::confused:


Just one more

Uh… gas flames?

Isn’t that basically fire eodododododosoolkdjdkdidoflf

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