You got pinged probably since you were included in one of the posts
So Musketeer’s comment to me in terms of life expectancy and such, or to say in that way 30-39 isn’t really a dangerous age.
I have Hero Concepts muted in general, so I guess it is why I didn’t know about it.
(I felt the topics I were actually interested in got buried in the Latest due to there being so many Hero Concepts posts).
Speaking of which, I think #forum-events:hero-concepts isn’t a good category for this. #game-chat:community-chatter would probably be more fitting.
Talking about concepts…
I feel like I remember this discussion, but I can’t remember when or where this happened.
That happened after Aamir have back from eat delicious food and send a photo of the food (and his thumb) and the Fun and Games has started XD
This is to much fun.
I keep seeing that third avatar and thinking it’s actually discobot before I actually read the comment, so the idea of discobot saying “Imagine the insurance money” really threw me for a loop for a second.
Discobot is so poetic
More discobot randomness
your senses are indeed correct, my friend
i touched the tiny deaming grass
the end
Discobot randomness, part 3
Disco wants to fight itself
Some people here have been quoted so many times. They are such un-logical people.
Wish granted.
Just a pack of randomness