Unlikely Character Concept

USA :us:

The U.S is a midline Damage Hero!

Appearance: A mannequin-like figure in a business suit, with Star-Spangled Banner skin.

•Basic Attack: America chucks a fistful of U.S dollars at an enemy.

•White, Colonial Roots: The U.S changes into a George Washington costume for fifteen seconds. His basic attacks now throw crates of tea at the enemies, which deal high and splash damage. He also gains X Armor and Y Reality When in his costume.
•Green, Macy’s Parade: The U.S sends a parade float through the enemies, knocking them back and stunning for four seconds.
•Blue, Fast Food Empire: The U.S whips up a massive tray of burgers and fries, and then throws it at an enemy, dealing X damage and slowing by 70% for five seconds.
•Purple, Open-Minded: Every time the U.S crits, his weakest ally is healed for 20% of their Max HP.

Genie, American Dream
•+X Max HP
Open-Minded now grants allies 1 second of invincibility. +1 second per star.

Mad Hatter, Coffee Chain
Instead of damaging and slowing, Fast Food Empire now grants all allies 50 energy and +10% attack speed for ten seconds. +50 energy and 10% attack speed per star.


I hope you don’t mind, I’m going to try to make Italy soon! I feel that, as the King of Spaghetti, I kinda have a right to make the stereotypical home of spaghetti.


How did I inspire it? With my food heroes?

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Heck yeah, I can see Italy as a pizza and spaghetti based damage.

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I got the idea to this from your letter concepts, actually.


Ahhh. I need to make H soon…I’m too tired to do that right now tho

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No morbidly obese people or nukes?

It’s fine, I can tell you’re trying to be respectful and not offend anyone. Great job!


Maybe he was trying to make it apply to the entire US. I can say from personal experience, that “obese” people are mostly a “southern” stereotype


“Morbidly obese people”

Is it terrible that I almost just spat out my water at that


I’m pretty sure the fat stereotype is the entire US, I’ve never seen/heard anyone say it was just the south…


You guys have genius minds! I want to do a series too but I’m lazy to do one. Awesome series concepts!


I’ll now be doing a series of shape concepts

3 star backline control
“I’m very well-rounded!”

Basic Attack: He rolls into the enemies dealing damage

White: Round and Round
Circle rolls in circles around the battlefield making enemies “dizzy” for 7 seconds

“Dizzy” is a debuff that slows enemies by 65% and dispels invisibility on enemies

Green: Piece of pie
Circle throws a pie at an enemy dealing damage and blinding them for 6 seconds

Blue: On a roll
Whenever Circle KOes an enemy it gains invincibility for 3 seconds and all enemies are stunned for 3 seconds.

Purple: 360 degrees
Whenever Circle is stunned he is invincible for the duration of the stun and gains X basic damage till the end of the wave


Duke Caboom, Shape of a wheel
•+X Basic damage
•For every enemy “Dizzy” Circle gains 5% Attack Speed and Movement Speed. +5% Speed per star

Jack Jack, Cookie Jar
•+X Reality, +X Armor
•“360 degrees” increases allies’s attack and movement speed by 15% for the duration of the stun. 15% Speed per star

Who should i do next

  • Square
  • Rectangle
  • Diamond
  • Star

0 voters

Coming June 22

Inspired by @TherMasterStitch, @PawpsicleSticks and @The_Spooky_Vizier


You saying this kind of annoys me. Because Buena Vista was Disney’s pet, not vise versa.

FYI, Miramax is no longer owned by Disney. Disney aquired Miramax in 1993 and let it go in 2010.

So as a really strong fan of Disney it kind if offends me, but it is what most (true) Disney fans would feel like.
To learn about Buena Vista, look here

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That may be true about Miramax no longer working with Disney, but I know the fact about it that both companies are in it.

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Maybe he should have done 2 USA concepts, one for the North and another for the South. I know plenty of Southern stereotypes because I live in the South.

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Okay I am trying not to explode. As I have said before, Buena Vista is a company that works for Disney. It was Disney who made Buena Vista. Read what I am going to say and change your mind

So Disney created the Buena Vista animation company to make Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. In 1993, Disney acquired Miramax. Production in Miramax was taken over by Buena Vista’s director.

Please pm if you have not changed your mind after what I have said

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It’s been a while since my last concepts on here (they were post n.432 and 439). So, as I promised, here’s my concept for Nico di Angelo, and another concept not related to HoO.

Nico is a 2 star midline damage character
“With great power, comes a great need to take a nap”
Entrance: Nico shadow-travels to his place.
Basic attack: Nico attacks the closest enemy with his sword.
Victory: Nico happily talks with Bianca’s ghost.
K.O.: Nico gets angry.
White - Back to Life: Nico uses his powers to revive a skeleton. Skeleton has X HP and deals X fantastic damage with each attack. His armor and reality are equal to Nico’s. When a skeleton is revived, enemies are scared for 8 seconds. Nico can’t have more than 3 revived skeletons at once.
Green - Bone cage: Nico locks the weakest character in a bone cage. If he’s a ally, he will get a shield with X HP for 8 seconds, and the whole team will receive X HP per second as a heal while the shield is active. If he’s an enemy, he will instead be stunned for 8 seconda, and the enemy team will receive X damage per second while he’s stunned. (Fantastic Damage)
Blue - Shadow Strike: Nico shadow-travels into the enemy team, scaring them for 10 seconds. He then stays in there for 2 seconds, spreading shadows and doing a total of X damage to all enemies, and finally comes back to his place. Nico can’t receive any damage while spreading shadows
Purple - Ghost King: If an ally is K.O.ed while Nico is on the battlefield, he will keep fighting as a ghost until Nico is K.O.ed or the end of the wave. Ghosts can’t use skills, but they will deal X% more basic damage. This effect is reduced on allies higher than level X. Also, spawned characters like Skeletons and Hiro’s Megabot can’t become ghosts.
Nico/Hades: Doors of Death
Nico gets X more armor and reality for each ghost on the battlefield.
Ghosts attack X% faster.
Nico/Jason: The Darkest Secret
Nico can now revive unlimited skeletons, which have X more HP and X more basic damage.
Nico also gains X% of the energy gained by other characters (both allies and enemies)

Jack is a 2 star backline control character.
“I’ve been around for a long time. My name is Jack Frost. I love being on my own. No rules. No responsability. It’s as good as It sounds”
Entrance: Jack flies into the battlefield.
Basic attack: Jack throws a snowball at an enemy.
Victory: Jack creates a snowman
K.O.: Jack yells.
White - No-rules Blizzard: Jack creates a blizzard on the enemy team, dealing X damage per second and slowing their attack and movement speed by 35% for 10 seconds. If an enemy actives his white during the blizzard, he will be frozen for 8 seconds and lose all of his energy.
Green - Ice Wall: Jack raises a wall between the two teams, shielding frontline allies for X HP and freezing frontline enemies. This skill lasts for 8 seconds.
Blue - Chill Out: Jack throws a huge snowball at the enemy with the highest basic damage, freezing him for 10 seconds and reducing his basic damage by 60% until the end of the wave. Jack can do this every 16 seconds, and only once for every enemy. This skill can also fail on enemies higher than level X.
Purple: Cold bites: Jack’s allies will deal 75% more damage to frozen and slowed enemies. Effect is reduced against enemies higher than level X.
Jack/Elsa: Let It Go
Frozen enemies take X damage per second
Allies who can freeze gain X% of Jack’s skill power every time they freeze an enemy.
Jack/Nico: Chilling Nightshades
Enemies lose X skill power every time they’re frozen.
Enemies have X less tenacity per control character in your team.

Here they are. Hope you liked them, but if you didn’t, please let me know what you’re disappointed about and I’ll try to explain.


Sonic the hedgehog!

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Wow! The lovers are here!


Yeah, Ofc. That was an obvious choice :smirk:

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