Unlikely Character Concept


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Lol you said that earlier

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…alright. Looks like there aren’t any more interesting concepts here, I’m taking this off Tracking. Nothing’s really unique, none of these newer concepts think outside the box or even synergize the skillset. They’re all mass-produced and cheap quality. Sorry to be a bit blunt about it, however. :neutral_face:

No comment about the choice of characters.


my Stay Puft Concept is out if anyone wants to read! :smiley:
Here’s a link Unlikely Character Concept

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Wait you know he also said your concept was bad

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10 chars

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Dude he said all the concepts lately suck yours is new so he said yours sucked

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Dang then that’s cold :cold_face:

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Yea that is that means Mine suck :unamused: your sucks :expressionless: and Pans sucks :confused:

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what is wrong with some people

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Mine took A day of sleep all that hard work for such a cold response😕

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Mine toooo you know how many comics I made for those characters

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That’s true😕

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:cry::expressionless::confused:That just rude

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Well I guess that’s it end of the unlikely concept thread :confused: it was gonna end sometime D:

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Yea :expressionless::confused::upside_down_face::frowning: Very sad ending

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For anyone still looking in this thread here are some of my unlikely concepts

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The Black Knight, :crossed_swords::crossed_swords::crossed_swords:, Tank

“I move . . . for no man.”

Basic Attack: Heavy swing of his sword. When he has no arms/legs, the Knight attacks by ramming his head into enemies.

•White, Tis’ But a Scratch:
-Passive: At below 80% HP, Black Knight loses his first arm, and becomes invincible for five seconds. At below 60% HP, he loses his next arm, becoming invincible for seven seconds. When under 60%, his basic attacks deal X more damage. When under 40% HP, he loses his leg and becomes invincible for ten seconds.
-Active: BK shouts and charges his enemies, dealing X damage to frontline enemies.
•Green, Gut Kick: The Black Knight kicks the closest enemy, knocking them back and slowing them by 60% for five seconds.
•Blue, Constant Persistence: BK grants his allies X Armor whenever he becomes invincible for a time period.
•Purple, Overzealous Knight: The Black Knight becomes immune to status effects, and gains attack speed when he crits.

*Entrance: The Black Knight charges in and shouts.
*Victory: The Black Knight stabs his sword into the ground and remains silent (see top picture).
*Defeat: The BK loses his final leg, hopping pathetically on the ground.


Goodbye unlikely concept thread wish I would’ve posted when this was still going :grinning: :wave: :confused:

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@PawpsicleSticks These concepts are pretty dry.

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