Unlikely Character Concept

Nice concept @TherMasterStitch :smile:


I really like dis concept. Nice work. :+1:


Yeeet Awesome


Now this is a really alright concept! It’s not too awful long, which makes it a pleasure to read! No long boring drawn out, something going on & on & on just to take up space kinda concept! I give this one a big thumbs up! :+1:

It’s also full of colorful gif’s (It’s very appealing to the eye)!
Again a picture says 1,000 words and your gif’s along with the concise concept is just right!

Just my opinion!



Oh, thank you. (Doctor Strange 25:11)


I’m glad this thread is coming back to life😄


Also does anyone know how to add GIFS :thinking:

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Same way you add pictures download and click the image button.

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Micheal Myers Concept soon :ghost:

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Breaking news: even if someone already did a concept on a character, other people can still make a concept on that character! Wow! What a shocker!


Im still gonna do it @SpiderHog plus im not copying you🤷🏻‍♂️

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Lol but there shouldn’t be 2 posts of the same character in almost the same week

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There shouldn’t be three concepts from the same author in a single day, but that happened anyway… Nobody makes the rules here. Especially not you.


But it’s just strange also I planed those Concepts I saw someone who did 5 character concepts in a row also mine aren’t that bad

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Yeah. Some people make way too many not-so-good concepts and they make like five a day! It gets annoying and almost to the point of spamming. And the only rules are the perblue forum rules like no spamming and being nice. If someone wants to make a concept, they can because no rules are stopping them!

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Breaking news: multiple people can have the same plans for future concepts! And maybe making so many concepts in a single day isn’t that great and will make your concepts not that great either!

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Lol most concepts aren’t good anyway I once saw like 5 people post the same character with in days of each other anyway so I was just saying I just did Michael Myers not that he couldn’t do it
Weirdness has happened to Forums just like Global

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Alright Time to make another Forum user, they have been waiting for a while, and I am now gonna make it.


Basic attack: @Filadae_Djaq punches the closest enemy.

White skill: Critic Breakdown.

@Filadae_Djaq insults an opponent while criticizing their fighting abilities. This slows the opponent by 75% for seven seconds and heals @Filadae_Djaq for X amount.

Green skill: Smart but prideful.

@Filadae_Djaq punches an enemy stunning them for 10 seconds then grants himself a shield that can take X damage. If he uses this skill again before the shield is destroyed, then he deals the shields HP as damage to the enemy.

Blue skill: Toughen Up!

@Filadae_Djaq grabs the closest ally and pulls them out of the way of a projectile. He deals 25% of the damage the projectile would have done to them, then raises their attack damage by 50% for 9 seconds.

Purple skill: But I deserve it…

Every time @Filadae_Djaq is silenced, He instead has his attack speed increased by 20% for 7 seconds. Stacks up to 15 times.

If he is stunned, he instead gets 2 seconds of invincibility for every second of stun.

If he is charmed, at the end of the charm, he will obtain X basic damage until the wave’s end.

these effects are greatly reduced if @Filadae_Djaq is above lvl Y.


@Champion_David I need to have a word with you, @PawpsicleSticks and @Drone_IX in PM

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The active made me laugh :laughing:

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